Both Mentzers were jack offs with ray being the biggest jack off. Matarazzo's public callout of the negative effects of drug use may sound far fetched to some, but there's anecdotal and scientific evidence to support his belief. Arnold Schwarzenegger - He's been named the Austrian Oak, The Terminator,John Matrix, Mr. I wanted the magazine to be the absolute best I could make it, and I worked harder than I'd worked in my entire life. Every lifter needs these five types of people in his life. Two days before the 1980 Olympia tookplace, Mike was revisited by thedeaths door feeling. Ray went to bed. This didnt sit right with Mike, and he wasnt afraid to talk about it in a disdainful manner in his seminars which may have led to his unofficial blacklisting from the IFBB. 2023 Greatest Physiques. Twice during his prep Mike awoke to find himself, "at death's door." As the courtroom clerk began reading the verdicts at 9:40 a.m., each of the defendants sat impassively, sometimes leaning to talk with their attorneys or sullenly gazing around the courtroom. Mentally, he went into a different gear and battened down the hatches earlier and more securely than for any other competition. "If they want more definition, I'll give 'em more definition," he vowed. Centerburg, Knox County, Ohio 43011 . On the morning of Tuesday, June 12, Joanne Sharkey (General Manager of Mikes business but who was in essence like an older protective sister to the brothers) received a call from Rays dialysis unit that he hadnt turned up for his appointment. It was me that was out of control, not everybody and everything else. Mike Mentzer placed 5th. One year earlier, in 1979 Mike had started using amphetamines. On the morning of Tuesday, June 12, Joanne Sharkey (General Manager of Mikes business but who was in essence like an older protective sister to the brothers) received a call from Rays dialysis unit that he hadnt turned up for his appointment. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Ray Mentzer. Little men like him need to knock the others to make themselves feel good cause they cant do it on their own!!! Stutter reps increased the duration of each set by over 20 seconds. Nationality. WebThere was no obviously apparent cause of death, but medical records indicate that he had a history of heart problems. It is only within the context of having properly developed your mind that you will be able to truly enjoy the achievement of your material values, including that of a more muscular body.. His net worth has been growing significantly in 2021-2022. In 1999, Ray discovered he had kidney problems. He wrote that he was falling short of top spot so decided to give it up. With 900-lbs squatted for 2 reps, Ray was one of the, if not the strongest bodybuilder during his prime. Ray Menzter, age 47, was reportedly very shaken up by the . Get our L.A. The younger Mentzer was devastated as he went about making funeral arrangements. And indeed there were warning signs about his health. "Heavy Duty" involves doing very few, extended sets (using techniques like negative repetitions, forced reps, partial reps and done primarily on machines rather than using free weights). He started dieting in February for the October contest. His head was peppered with gunshot wounds. In a career that spanned over three decades, he was one of bodybuildings most Mikesfirst set of weights wasbought for him by his father. It was these three unfortunate events, combined with the continued use of amphetamines that would lead to Mike Mentzers decline. He was called as a witness during the preliminary hearing but refused to testify, claiming 5th Amendment protection against self-incrimination. The younger Mentzer was devastated as he went about making funeral arrangements. Bodybuilders' Deaths Lead to Investigation - Los Angeles Times I think its terrific that the justice system is working here, she said. 1975 ABBA Mr. USA 2nd (Medium) Mikes form would be kept absolutely perfect. 06/28/01 - New information on this tragedy can be found. For the record, we now know Arnold was terrific when Ray fell ill and offered his personal help and support. The jury also found that Mentzer and Marti killed Radin for financial gain during a kidnaping--special circumstances that open the possibility of death in the gas A key witness claimed to have overheard Mentzer and Marti discuss the slaying at Flynts Bel-Air mansion. Radins decomposed body was found a month after his disappearance. ..on June 11th at approximately 9:00 PM, Ray Mentzer died in his sleep. Famed for his fracas with Arnold Schwarzenegger at the 1980 Olympia to hisHeavy Duty training style. * June 10, 1983: New York theatrical producer Roy Radins decomposed body is found near Hungry Valley Road in northeast Los Angeles County nearly a month after he was last seen getting into a limousine with Karen Greenberger on May 13. Her attorney argued during the trial that Greenberger had been framed for the murder by Milan Bellechesses, a Miami drug dealer and another Greenberger paramour who suspected Radin of stealing drugs. It just didnt feel like a normal contest; no one was being their usual self. He would also become a bodybuilding legend for his 20+ inch arms and the ability to squat in excess of 900lbs for 2 repetitions. The brash and ambitious Radin had made his name in New York by producing a series of successful vaudeville revivals and police union benefits. In the year 1985 he claimed; The magazine was doing fairly well, when, just as it started to turn a profit, the financial people for whatever reason pulled the plug on the whole thing and we ceased operation. Outperform yourself, make gains, and enjoy the process. I was 19 years old,me and 2 friends drove from Carrollton,Ms to Baton Rouge to see him. WebThe cause of Mike Mentzer's death was not disclosed, pending a coroner's investigation. He later was named to run science coverage. Mike won the rival IFBB Mr America in 1976. He begantraining 3 times a week and bythe age of 15, Mikecould bench press 370lb (170kg), with a body weight of just165lbs (75kg). There were two notable, and noble, exceptions: ex-girlfriend Julie McNew and John Little, senior writer for FLEX. Within a few days of leaving thehospital, he approachedGolds Gym, Venice, and convinced them to let him start up as a personal trainer. Two days later, Ray died from complications from his long battle with Berger's disease. He would talk with me at length, and I remember those conversations with fondness, which causes me to think fondly of John Little. 4 AM: woke up and read philosophy for two hours, 9 PM: studied philosophy and dealt with mail-order administration, "I was in love with being conscious - amphetamines have that effect on a lot of people. In the 50+ years since his article, plenty of bodybuilders have misused or abused steroids and other PEDs and have paid the ultimate price: These bodybuilders are thankfully still alive at the time of this writing, but have suffered major health issues. He enjoyed the work, but he relied upon amphetamines to meet deadlines, on occasion staying awake for two or three days straight. Edit: two DAYS not years, my b Monday morning, June 11, 2001, an e-mail was sent to us saying that Mike Mentzer has passed away June 9th. Arnold Schwarzenegger - He's been named the Austrian Oak, The Terminator,John Matrix, Mr. The Mike Mentzer that passed away is the one that he will always be remembered as. But Mike wouldnt listen. Both brothers lived in Redondo Beach, and they shared an apartment together. As Bill Pettis put it; Ray is one of the strongest bodybuilders I have ever seen in my life.. Achieving lower body fat with a higher body weight meant packing on more muscle. The weight would be so heavy that by the 9th rep, Ray would reach failure. Mike Mentzer was a complex and gifted man who left an indelible mark on the bodybuilding landscape. Expert Insights To Get Stronger, Gain Muscle Faster, And Take Your Lifting To The Next Level. 1977 IFBB North American Championships 1st (Overall) The day before, both he and brother Ray were working on a fitness DVD titled HIT. He has a daughter who was born in 1986. Except this time, things were different. Mike believed that bodybuilders do not need the levels of protein they were sold by magazines. Mike was 49 and Ray was 47. As reported at some length in the June 14th, 2001 edition of the Los Angeles Times, the Los Angeles County coroner's office is currently investigating the deaths of bodybuilding brothers Mike and Ray Mentzer, who died within two days of each other. When he began his 4 year service to theUnited States air force,Mikewas spending 6 days a week in the gym, normally for up to 3 hours at a time. Mohammed Benaziza: Seven total Grand Prix wins in 1990 and 1992, 1st place at the 1990 Night of Champions (beating B comes in). This may have been a bad move, as 2 years after the blacklisting, Mikehad virtually no income. Mike Mentzer won the Mr. Universe title in 1978 and the heavyweight division of the Mr. Olympia contest in 1979. He dies on June 12, 2001 This routine was based on doing 6-9 reps per set at the maximum weight he could lift. As Mike wrestled with his demons, the bodybuilding community, to its discredit, took a detached stance toward his circumstances. Ray died just two days after discovering his brother Mike Mentzer's dead body in the very same apartment due to heart failure. In the midst of the chaos that day, Ray completely forgot that he needed to turn up for his kidney dialysis treatment. 1979 IFBB Canada Pro Cup 2nd John understands quite a bit about the power of ideas and the way they work in the mind. I wish he continued to compete. It may be more accurate to say steroids don't kill people, abusing steroids kills people. Noticing the appreciative stares from envious strangers, and knowing that every time you hit the gym, youre pushing the boundaries of what you once thought was impossible - makes it all worthwhile. As Im certain you know, it is very difficult to have great muscle memory retention (and probably thus the shoulder injury he dealt with early on) if you go that long in total resting states. At this point, most of the bodybuilding community turnedits back on Mike. The mortician said that Raymond Mentzer, who suffered from kidney problems and had been undergoing dialysis treatments, appeared very shaken by his brothers death. Rice said that although Michael Mentzer had appeared robust, his medical records showed that he had a history of coronary-related problems.. To his credit John visited Mike and the psychotic episode was soon over. Prosecution claimed she was mastermind behind Radins murder but could not prove it. Our exclusive interview with Val Segal, the person who spent the last hours with Mike and Ray Mentzer! * 1987: About 4 1/2 years after the murder, sheriffs investigators receive first major break in the case when they are introduced to William Rider, former brother-in-law and security supervisor for Hustler magazine publisher Larry Flynt. Ray and co. would lift extremely heavy weights, taking long breaks between sets. Ray died just two days after discovering his brother Mike Mentzer's body in the same apartment due to heart failure.[2]. Theyd send me little pictures of themselves and all types of stuff. Mentzers body was discovered by his younger brother Ray Mentzer Sunday in the apartment they shared in Redondo Beach, California. Then his brother died two DAYS later at age 47. It just didn't feel like a normal contest; no one was being their usual self. He changed my life and my entire training routine. There was no obviously apparent cause of death, but medical records indicate that he had a history of heart problems. Greenberger had been accused of hiring Mentzer, Marti and Lowe to kill Radin because she feared she was being cut out of a producers role--and profits--in the movie The Cotton Club, a film about a Harlem speak-easy that was a critical and financial flop. By the age of 23, Ray was a full-time competitor. Not only is he knownas one of the greatest bodybuilders in history, but also as an action movie star, and an American politician. Ray Mentzer * Convicted of first-degree murder with special circumstances, subject to the death penalty. You should add Ayn Rand as an influence. Kaiserman said he thought the jurys decision showed that they believed Greenberger had not intended to murder Radin, but rather to kidnap him to find out who was behind a large theft of cocaine from Greenbergers residence. A 2012 study in the American Journal of Cardiology investigated mortality rates among NFL players and actually saw that they were, overall, almost half as likely to die as comparably-aged non-athletes. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Later that day, Arnold Schwarzenegger, who was believed to be retired, announced his intentions to compete at the event. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. In 1983, he flew to Florida in order to be trained by Arthur Jones. Ray Mentzer (August 3, 1953 June 12, 2001) born in Philadelphia was the 1976 Junior Mr. America, 1978 IFBB Mr. USA and was winner of the 1979 AAU Mr. America competition. Sometimes I'd stay awake for two or three days at a time to meet dead lines. Erroneously attributing their lack of satisfactory progress to a poverty of the requisite genetic traits, instead of to their irrational training and dietary practices, they give up training. * October, 1988: Greenberger, Robert Lowe, William Mentzer and Alex Marti are arrested by sheriffs deputies and held in connection with the slaying of Radin. One year later, he achieved same in the AAU Mr. America show. The two brothers dying within 48 hours of each other shocked the bodybuilding world. Hoe to get them. He quickly fell in love with the iron and began sculpting his body. Mike Mentzer was born on the 15th of November, 1951. However, not long after closing the curtains on his bodybuilding career, Ray started having kidney problems. His early use of amphetamines to make him productive, the passing of his father and the gradual rejection of the bodybuilding community were all major contributing factors to his decline. 2023 Greatest Physiques. Burt Mike offered to be a donor to his sibling who had won the 1979 Mr. America, before it was discovered that he had serious heart problems, which precluded him from being a candidate. Its hard not to surmise that in his frail state of health (in the previous few months he had been rushed to the local emergency room several times) the death of his beloved brother was just too much to bear. Excellent mindset for bodybuilders to learn from and improve. Lowes attorney, Mark Kaiserman, said he also was disappointed in the verdicts and vowed to appeal. He was always in the shadow of his more famous brother, bodybuilding legend Mike Mentzer, despite the fact that Ray was an excellent champion in his own right with a competitive physique that did help him capture various titles. Shohat, Greenbergers attorney, said the verdict of second-degree murder showed that the jury did not believe Greenberger was the driving force behind Radins killing. "I was consumed 24 hours a day by the thought: What can I do today in terms of training, diet, aerobics and motivation to improve myself? 1975 IFBB Mr. America 3rd (Medium) In his seminars, he was openly contemptuous of the Sydney affair; a posture that he believes led to his being unofficially blacklisted by the IFBB, making promoters reluctant to book him. At one time, training for just six weeks, he squatted 902 pounds for 2 repetitions. This routine was based on doing 6-9 reps per set at the maximum weight he could lift. 1979 IFBB Florida Pro Invitational 1st Greenberger introduced Radin to Evans and together they struck a deal to finance The Cotton Club.. The following morning, on the 10th of June 2001, Ray found that his brother would never wake up. He is a graduate of UC Berkeley with a degree in English. 1977 IFBB Mr. Universe 2nd (HW) Thats all correct now! In 2014, the Public Library of Science published a report investigating the mortality rate among active pro wrestlers. This would make him go beyond the point of muscle failure. Mike bodybuilding idol from a young age was Bill Pearl. Lowe claimed that Greenberger and Evans paid for a contract hit against Radin. Ultimately, Rays life was one full of success but also tragedy. 1977 IFBB North American Championships 1st (MW) So more accurate reporting would be to identify them as "former bodybuilders. To compound the loss of Mike, on June 11th, at approximately 9:00 PM, Ray died in his sleep. Mike Matarazzo, pro bodybuilder. However, year also marked his worstdefeat; 10th place at the AAU Mr. America. "Most guys think nothing bad will ever happen to them. In spring of that year a blood clot broke loose from his leg and went to his lung. 1979 IFBB Mr. Olympia 1st (HW) Web- Safety Protection System Analysis / Common Cause Failures . Ray Mentzer was born on August 2, 1953 and developed a love and passion for bodybuilding at a very young age. But the next morning, he was back to "being a productive genius. The statements made have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (U.S.). Once he reached that point, Ray would have his training partner help him do another 2-3 forced reps, controlling the weight with slow and perfect form. In the last 15 years, roughly one in five wrestler deaths were connected to recreational drug overdose. He worked as deputy national editor from 2007 to 2011 and played a central role in the coverage of some of the biggest national stories of recent years, including the 2010 oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and the 2008 election of President Obama. Those who abuse AAS are the ones stacking eight compounds a week like they think their 290-pound idol does. * November, 1990: Trial begins for the four defendants. Mike wouldnt pick up a weight until 1975, but when he finally did, Mikecame back with full force. He was 33 years old. No, not every pro has had issues. At only 23, he captured both the Junior Mr. America title and the IFBB Mr. America championship. Comment * document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a40bbc091972361b92bafe047762c2f0" );document.getElementById("de63bbf7bd").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Mike certainly had a great mind for bodybuilding. As for his protein sources, they included chicken, beef, and high-quality dairy. CLICK HERE! He never wrote me off., In January 1990 a hospitalized Mike experienced a Eureka moment. Death . In 1999, Ray started kidney He left Weider publications, and by 1982, his annual income "Had gone from $200,000 a year to zero.". After a stint at the New York Times, Dunn returned to Los Angeles in 1998 as a reporter and then editor in The Times Business section. To gain further insight into Mikes 2001 death, it is necessary to turn the clock back 21 years. Check out our guide to protein-rich foods to help you on your way - a completely new fitness level is just around the corner. Champion bodybuilders are known only to the relatively-small community who follow this fringe sport. However, Mike had not competed for 21 years and Ray for 19 years. Kaiserman said he will file an appeal after Lowes sentencing Aug. 16, basing the appeal in part on Rappes decision to allow prosecutors to use secretly taped conversations among several defendants as evidence. I saw no problem for me because I was convinced I was focused enough and that my use was channeled in a positive direction. [Mike had taken a three year course, commencing in 1974, at the University of Mayland, with the eventual goal of being a psychiatrist , but he dropped out in 1977 disillusioned with the subject. Monday morning, June 11, 2001, an e-mail was sent to us saying that Mike Mentzer has passed away June 9th. Ray, his brother, who is also suffering from illnesses, found him. To compound the loss of Mike, on June 11th, at approximately 9:00 PM, Ray died in his sleep. Ray suffered from kidney failure caused by Berger's Disease. Rolling Hills, California, United States. Prior to his career at The Times, Dunn worked at the South China Morning Post in Hong Kong, the Danbury News-Times in Connecticut and the Seattle Post-Intelligencer. Ray Mentzer (August 3, 1953 June 12, 2001) born in Philadelphia was the 1976 Junior Mr. America, 1978 IFBB Mr. USA and was winner of the 1979 AAU Mr. America competition. Rather than blaming others, he realized it was he was the one out ofcontrol, not everybody and everything else. Mike understood that an individual had individual needs, but inside, we all worked the same. Ray Mentzer (left) and Mike Mentzer (right) posing. Ive seen this sort of thing happen before, but not very often, said Scott Carrier, a spokesman for the Los Angeles County coroners office. Last Known Residence . Is it for money? * Another ex-Flynt bodyguard. It was a crushing blow. RAY MENTZER During one of these squat gatherings, Ray achieved an astonishing feat lifting a 900-lbs squat for 2 reps. Back in the day, many bodybuilders believed that a high-protein diet was the number one key to building muscle. Plot #17067587. We hadnt spoken for over five years. It was that morning that Mike was to be found dead by his sibling. Full Name: Ray MentzerWeightNationalityProfessionEra225 - 235lbs (102.1 - 106.6kg)AmericanBodybuilder1970, 1980Weight225 - 235lbs (102.1 - 106.6kg)NationalityAmericanProfessionBodybuilderEra1970, 1980. Joe Weider rehired Mike in the fall of that year, but after six months, Mentzer left to assume the editorship of. I knew I had to wake up to that fact or my life would be over. According to our Database, He has no children. On top of this, Rays strength also increased. Ashley Dunn is the former weekend editor at the Los Angeles Times. To get back in the action, Mike entered1975 IFBB Mr. America to see where he stood. Ray Mentzer's net worth In a sport that, at its core, requires eating well, losing fat, and exercising, why do we see so many bodybuilders dying from similar causes at unusually-young ages? From there, it wasonward and upwards. Required fields are marked *. The next morning he discovered Mike dead in bed, apparently of a heart attack. After the autopsy, it turned out that the cause of death was a heart attack, a large dose of anesthetic was found in the man's body, and it contributed to the cardiac arrest. Many have felt that steroids had contributed to the deaths of both brothers but this truly is speculation. While steroids, amphetamines, smoking, etc. Our exclusive interview with Val Segal, the person who spent the last hours with Mike and Ray Mentzer! Id answer them back. Three months after his death, it was found that * Ex-girlfriend of movie producer Robert Evans. In 1983, ace inventor and entrepreneur Arthur Jones recruited Mike and brother Ray (1979 Mr. America) to work with him on research projects he was undertaking at his Nautilus headquarters in Deland, Florida. Part of the reason for his success was he prescribed to his brother's concept of heavy duty training which involved very high intensity 45 minute workout sessions. Originally, Mike's body was sent to a funeral home in nearby Torrance. 1971 AAU Mr. America 10th Acted as liaison for Evans and New York producer Roy Radin during Cotton Club movie negotiations. What to take. Greatest Physiques is the number 1 destination for the best looking bodies on the planet. Mike would often keep his training week down to 3 working days with 4 for rest. You just cant beat that feeling of knowing that your physique is one youve worked hard for. It was early May of 2001, when out of the blue I received a phone call in FLEXs LA office from Mike Mentzer. 1971 AAU Teen Mr America 2nd It came to a similar conclusion: Steroid use can be a valid and significant factor in heart-related death.