However, it was from the prison that he got to the throne. Every evil cage that has refused to let me go, catch fire, in the name of Jesus. In Jesus name, every fundamental strongman and rod of the evil coming up against me and attaching themselves to my life be paralyzed and rendered ineffective. Every evil wind sponsored against my destiny helpers makes them unable to help me, I command such evil wind to cease now, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. 14. All evil and satanic arrows sent or fired at me in dreams from the time I was born, I render you powerless now and I return you back to the sender in Jesus name. 2. Father by your mighty hand let every wind in my life come to an end now, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Oh Lord by your power disconnect my family from every sponsor of evil wind, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Every evil personality standing in darkness to sponsor evil wind against my marriage, Father expose them and disgrace them in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Every force of darkness that has been hired in order to blow evil wind in my direction this season, I command you to be destroyed suddenly, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. The good news, however is, among those that passed through storms in the Bible like David, Jonah, Paul, Daniel, Blind Bartimaeus, Hannah etc came out restored. (112) Every evil destiny pattern in our family be Broken, in Jesus name. 4.1 Prayer to cancel the evil plan of the enemy. Father please forgive me for all the times I have been spiritually insensitive and lazy in prayers, let your mercy speak for me Lord, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Every household enemy that is silently planning evil against my family, I decree that the evil you are planning for us shall be your portion, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. I will uproot them from their lands and I will uproot the people of Judah from among them. This means that whenever you are facing in life, Jesus Christ has taken control over it for your supernatural breakthrough and transformation. SCRIPTURES: My enemies are plotting against me and have gone astray from your words and teachings. focus on my direction and remember me today, in the name of Jesus. Father, by your powerful hand, put an end to every wind in my life right now, in the great name of Jesus Christ. O Lord, my Father, correct every wrong step I have taken that has brought problems into my life in Jesus name. Herbalist, witches and sorcerers behind contrary wind in my life, die by fire in Jesus name. 2 Thessalonians 3:3; But the Lord is true, who will establish you and safeguard you from evil; Father, according to your word, I demand your supernatural protection from demonic machinations in Jesus name. So today, I ask that you deliver me from them. Powerful God, I thank you for being my mighty deliverer. Cry out to God for his divine intervention. As I am rising up, my destiny reject contrary wind in Jesus name. I come against every attack of sickness over my life in the name of Jesus. Everything that has been transferred into my life through demonic laying on of hands, let go right now in the name of Jesus. You need to understand just like our God as his domain the devil also has his domain and he uses it to attack and keep the children of God in his domain as captors. Lord, thank you for taking away all evil loads that the enemy has placed on me. You the glory of my legs in captivity, receive deliverance by the Blood of Jesus You the glory of my hands in the camp of darkness, receive deliverance of fire, by the blood of Jesus. Powerful God, I thank you for being my mighty deliverer. Do not let my heart be drawn toward evil.
30 Strong Prayer Points Against Evil Winds - Daily Prayers Today, I ask that you separate me from evil associations and deliver me from everything thats not from you. 36. Dear God, you know how ungodly jealousy always seems to get the best of me. Prayers Against Evil Attacks Father Lord, I thank you for your grace over my life.
Prayer Points Against Evil Plots | PRAYER POINTS - prayerguide 15. 2. The scripture says, declare a thing, and it shall be established. Evil attacks are not something you just overlook, these demonic attacks have kept so many christian on the same spot for too long without them even realising the devil is at work. Every demonic snake swallowing up my success, catches fire in the name of Jesus. Lord, as you anointed Daniel with the spirit of excellence that every effort of the enemy to frustrate his breakthrough became futile, I pray that you will anoint me children for excellence in the name of Jesus. Any annual affliction in my life, die and rise no more in the name of Jesus. Hence, he was put in prison. I release catastrophe and poverty upon any power assigned to rubbish my destiny, in the name of Jesus. 30.
You are the Almighty God, and his power doesn't stand a chance to the might You yield. 19. Fire of God, arise and deliver me from the problems I dont know its origin, in Jesus name. The question you may be asking now is: where does evil wind come from? And when they had sent away the multitude, they took him even as he was in the ship. I destroy you all in the name of Jesus. God has given us dominion over all circumstances our fear has created for us. To achieve power over the adversary and demons, one must surrender all emotions to the Holy Spirit so that he may guide you on the proper prayers to pray in response to such oppression. 7.
Prayer Point Against Evil Powers - MFM Dangerous Prayer Points 32. Write out the challenges in a piece of paper and begin to pray against it. 4. And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. List Of 30 Strong Prayer Points Against Evil Winds: 1.
Dr. D. K. Olukoya - Prayer Points Against Evil Attack - YouTube 9. The power in Jesus name has made us more than conquerors, as it is written that greater is HE that dwells in us than he(devil) that lives in the world. As believers, we only have one adversary: the devil, and he will stop at nothing Today we will be engaging ourselves with prayer points against evil plots. Holy Ghost fire, in Jesus' name, sever every demonic occultic force in my life and generation. 6. Mighty God, I thank you for your power thats able to redeem even the lost and give hope to the hopeless. I release myself from the arena of tough challenges and impossible situations, in Jesus name. Anointing of good news and good reports, fall upon me in Jesus name. 28. In the great name of Jesus Christ, Oh Lord, by your strength, unplug my family from every sponsor of bad wind. O you Prince of Persia opposing my blessings, fail in Jesus name. You powers from the sea afflicting my star, today is your end, be crushed to death, in Jesus name. I destroy every attack of the enemy to inflict my children with a terrible sickness. Lord Jehovah, Self-Existent One, today as I walk on Your beautiful earth, deliver me from the spirit of fear. Make sure you deal with your foundation aggressively by going for deliverance. We should stop glorifying the devil.
You wind of affliction against my life, disappear now in Jesus name Every attack of the enemy on them turns them into a reason for my sadness, I destroy such attacks by fire in the name of Jesus. I know from Your . 27. Dear Father, I seek Your protection from the wickedness of the evil one. Proper acknowledgment include, but not limited to (a) Proper referencing in the case of usage in research, magazine, sermons, (b) FAIR USE in the case of re-publication on online media or offline. I call for the fear of the Lord upon the persons praying this prayer and the persons being prayed for. Thanksgiving Prayer Points December Practical Prayer Assignment. John 8:47 Whoever belongs to God hears what God says. Any area of my life obeying contrary situations begin to disobey now in Jesus name. FACEBOOK: BLOG: TELEGRAM GROUP: PODCAST: CONFERENCE CALL MEETING: Psalm 32:7 You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance. Spiritually, a storm represent a season of obstacles, difficulties, setbacks, poverty, struggle, a trial moment etc. O God my Father, in the presence of those who are waiting to see what you can do for me, demonstrate your power that they may know that you can do all things, in the name of Jesus Christ. I stay in the strong tower which is the name of the Lord. Thou power that troubled the Egyptians, trouble my enemies, in the name of Jesus. Every evil wind sponsored against the peace of this nation, I command such wind to destroy its sponsors, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Every evil wind blowing against the marriages in our society, making young couples become divorced, we command such wind to be still now, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. 2. Sarah became pregnant and bore a son to Abraham in his old age, at the very time God had promised him (v.2). Every curse of dryness upon my land, break by the blood of Jesus in Jesus name. The Spirit of Peace. When we pray, we are putting ourselves in a position to receive spiritual protection, good health through the precious blood of Jesus and power. Every evil altar sponsoring evil winds against my business and career, I command you to be destroyed by the wind you have sponsored against me, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Goodness and progress, that has never happened in my fathers house, come upon me, in the name of Jesus. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. In the name of Jesus, every power of occultism and oppression over my future and family disappear. May your fasting and prayers leads to testimonies, in Jesus name. I come to Your refuge with joy for You shelter me against the attack of the devil. The Lord of Hosts is with me, the God of Jacob is my refuge (Psa 46:1, 1, 11) Amen. Every agent of satan, assigned to be using brooms to sweep away my blessings, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus. Evil may try to test me in the most tempting of ways, but you, Oh Father, never leave my side, especially in times of desperation. In the majestic name of Jesus Christ, Father, please anoint my mouth so that as I pray this day, wicked winds may cease in my life and family. 12. I will not die before my glory appears, in the name of Jesus. In Jesus name, bring your axe of fire to the foundation of my life and demolish every wicked planted inside. Father, let the candle of the wicked be put out, in the name of Jesus. 25. 20. We demand the evil winds blowing against the body of Christ, producing divisions and competition in the church, to halt immediately, in the great name of Jesus Christ. Any power using my names for evil assignments, lose your hold, in Jesus name. I cut off the flow of any inherited problems prospering in my life, in the name of Jesus. Today, I ask that you root out every spirit of jealousy in my life. Father Lord, the scripture says my body is the temple of the Lord; hence, no infirmity should defy it. Hence, hes deploying every means possible to multiply the evil in the world. 8. He will drive out your enemies before you, saying destroy them.
Prayer For Breaking Curses And Against Evil - ChristiansTT Let the powers working against my life and my destiny cease their operations in Jesus name. I call forth the benefits of God and I command the heavens to release showers of blessing upon me in Jesus' name. 26. Deliver me from the oppression of the devil.
Lord, any attack that wants to alter that promise, I destroy it by fire in the name of Jesus. 17. My life, reject every arrow of witchcraft and household powers, in the name of Jesus. Satanic weapons remoting contrary wind against my life by paralyzed in Jesus name. Jeremiah 15:20 I will make you a wall to this people, a fortified wall of bronze; they will fight against you but will not overcome you, for I am with you to rescue and save you, declares the Lord. Every demonic conspiracy assigned to waste my efforts in life, scatter unto desolation, in the name of Jesus.
Deliverance Prayers Against Evil Patterns | Ministry - Upper Room Fire Dont allow the storm to force you to backslide or go depress. 2. Satanic storm does not give notice of arrival; it has no respect for personality or opinion, though it varies from person to person. The first care of the regent was to discover a remedy for an evil of such magnitude, and a council was early summoned to take the matter into consideration. Pick me up, Lord, whenever and wherever I may fall, continue to hold me in the palm of Your hands.