The winter vacation scheme is also open to penultimate, final-year students, and graduates. For all students from penultimate year onwards and graduates students and graduates. Khushaal Ved - Senior Associate, Investigations, White - LinkedIn Hogan Lovells is one of the top international law firms. It would be helpful to think about how it would affect Hogan Lovells specifically, thinking about the different departments, emerging markets, maybe how key clients will be affected, what potential new areas there will be for development etc. Applications for our insight schemes open on 2 January 2023 and close on 28 February 2023. To pass every step of this process, you need to prepare for each interview and test. Situational Judgment HR & Associate 1 hr interview/ Watson glaser/ Partner Interview/ case study. Make sure you read the questions carefully and answer every part of them. Your training contract is where you start your journey to becoming a brilliant lawyer. Whats the typical duration of your summer program? Hogan Lovells AC (January 2019, for Summer Vacation Scheme), Watson Glaser Test This has really helped me and I have passed every test I have sat so far and really think this book has enabled me to do that.***. 4.8/5 Trainee. Vacations Schemes - Hogan Lovells When expanded it provides a list of search options that will switch the search inputs to match the current selection. Networking opportunities with potential future colleagues. Where do you want to open your law practise and why? Sat in Business Restructuring and Insolvency and Corporate M&A . Key Dates Applications open 19 September 2022 Application deadline 31 October 2022 Scheme dates 5 - 16 December 2022 Locations London How to apply Online application form Commercial acumen is vital too. If you are an older/more experienced candidate have a good answer for why you are only just applying to Hogan lovells (particularly if you have experience at better firms). Absolutely. The LPC will no longer exist. The questions then went on to my motivations for a career in law. If Im completing a year abroad as part of my law degree, when should I apply for a summer vacation scheme? We don't shy away from the fact that a career as a lawyer can . Our Hong Kong office offers two vacation schemes of four weeks each, which run in June and July each year. Training contracts give you an opportunity to work at the forefront of the global legal sector. 1K followers . Online critical thinking tests assess how well you can absorb and analyse information. One of the questions was- what kind of practice areas would be involved to deal with the issues that may arise. Watson Glaser 2. Read about businesses and follow a company trending in the news. Read about their case and collect information from different sources. Maintenance grants will be available during the new City Consortium practice programmes which will prepare future trainees for the SQE. Whats more, with around three quarters of trainee solicitors having taken part in a vacation scheme with us, its fair to say youll get a lot from it. They will have a card which they will read out. Our campus ambassadors make an impact in lots of ways: hosting drop-in sessions, giving lecture shout-outs, promoting us on social media through your university networks. I found this to be really quite tough. You're on your way to becoming a lawyer. Our insight events are open to first-year students from all degree disciplines. There were two interviews during the day. Insight / Vacation Scheme (< 4 Weeks) 5/5. Youll essentially represent us at your university be that virtually or face to face. Have questions? Hogan Lovells in China and Hong Kong provides a comprehensive range of commercial legal advice to our multinational client base from our offices in Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong. TC interviewee for Birmingham office (now future trainee at Hogan Lovells): Was for the Birmingham office. So, for example, one of them was about handling a fellow trainee who was acting superior to the paralegals. The case study was about the Saudi Aramco IPO and about the controversy surrounding a potential listing in London. I just effectively answered the three questions we prepared for and this was quite a short aspect of the interview for me, but this varies between candidates. Application details and method of selection. Our Pro Bono practice is all about drawing in the experience of our worldwide team in order to improve the lives of those who need it most. It went through very standard Qs why law/ why commercial law/ what is a commercial issue youve been following. Collaborate with an elite global firm. Especially, if you do not know the answers to certain questions asked by partners, be honest to them and ask for further guidance. Questions can be based on the interviewers career path, what they like about Hogan Lovells, and their clients. The winter vacation scheme is also open to penultimate, final-year students, and graduates. For the first half hour it felt like a general interview, covering why I wanted to work for Hogan Lovells. d. Project finance i. For the Watson Glaser test, if youre fine with the test the first time round, then you should be fine on the day. London, 12 November 2020-Hogan Lovells is taking virtual legal learning to another level, investing in the future of the UK legal community through a pipeline of . Hogan Lovells told Legal Cheek it has not rejected candidates it didn't make training contract offers to outright but instead offered them a place on their winter vacation scheme. They also asked me why Hogan Lovells too. What are your summer program hiring criteria? 4 November 2018 Our training is all about sharing knowledge. Hogan Lovells vac scheme interviewee (2018): Hey, so the day starts with the Watson Glazer. Whats more, youll explore our world as a global elite law firm and learn about how we respond to unpredictable global events that impact business. The Hogan Lovells recruitment process is designed to help both Hogan Lovells and you see whether you both fit together. 2023 The Corporate Law Academy. Our training contract is structured so you can be immersed in our work almost immediately and develop your skills in the only way that really matters: on live projects for real clients taking real responsibility. Approximately half of these trainees participate in one of the vacation schemes. What can I expect from your summer program? Take practise tests to improve your skills. Law. But, in offices where splits are allowed, you must be with the firm for a minimum of seven weeks at the beginning of the summer program. Here youll find answers to many of the ones we hear most often, but if we havent covered your question, you can reach out to any of our recruitment contacts and theyll be able to help you. Answer truthfully. Hear from one of our trainee solicitors, and pick up some top tips from our senior graduate recruitment manager and graduate recruitment partner about how to prepare and bring out your best. Application deadline. 4. Excelling on paper and in person, youll have the quick-thinking communication skills to keep up with our fast-moving world. Summer Associates - Hogan Lovells Youre embarking on the next big stage of your life, and were here to help. Whether change brings opportunity, risk, or disruption, working at Hogan Lovells, youll always be ready. The assessment centre consisted of a situational judgment test to confirm the scores achieved online- followed by a case study being handed out to prepare for the Partner interview. Youve also got a cause, a passion for community involvement, and the ability to look beyond yourself. Those who complete the programme will secure an automatic place on a vacation scheme or training contract assessment day, and be given tips on how to ace a case study interview. Sponsored by HFW. Tough to know how to act. Include experience that shows you understand business, time management and a willingness to get work done even if its not connected to law. 3. Thats only natural at this point. The application window for 2025 and 2026 places reopens on 1 June 2023, and closes on 31 July 2023. After all, building deep, rewarding relationships is part of who we are and this is no exception. Situational Judgement Test Capital markets lawyers work with transactions involving the issue of debt or equity securities to the public or investors. Weve put together some advice to help you prepare for each stage. You need to have scored 2.1 or above in your degree. The life sciences sector combines a range of legal practice areas, demanding expert advice from lawyers with detailed knowledge of the relevant trends and innovations in areas including food, healthcare, MedTech, veterinary and biotechnology. Closing date 31 October 2022. These interviews are personal. The test is in a paper format and the answer sheet is a typical exam-style multiple choice one where you have to put a cross in your answer. Develop a deep understanding of our graduate offering. Be sure to demonstrate you are a team player and show an awareness that the firm is renowned for being very open and friendly; it really prides itself upon this and rightfully so. Rigorous attention to detail wont faze you. Then there were two interviews. After this, there will be two more interviews. All Rights Reserved. Just basically show that you can prioritise properly and show awareness of the legal work environment. But it isnt just about being a high achiever at school. Sponsored by RPC. All rights reserved. Our people are the key to our success, which is why we seek to recruit and retain the most talented individuals in all regions of our global practice. If in doubt just ask the interviewer about what challengers are facing them in their particular area of work. Intellectual Property, Media, and Technology. Situational Judgment HR & Associate 1 hr interview/ Watson glaser/ Partner Interview/ case study. We do. Another concerned whether you would still go on a client secondment if other trainees had told you that it was bad. How would you react? Previous schemes: - Linklaters Vacation Scheme (Winter 2020) - Clifford Chance SPARK Summer Scheme (2020) - Allen & Overy A&O First Scheme (2020) - Linklaters Pathfinder Scheme (2020) Training Contracts offered: - Allen & Overy - Clifford Chance (accepted) - Hogan Lovells - Linklaters The conditions of the offer of employment include credit checks, verifying your academic qualifications and professional memberships, criminal record searches, employment history, and whether you can legally work in the UK. Careers in China - Hogan Lovells Anthony Doolittle talks about his role as a corporate M&A lawyer at Hogan Lovells, outlining his area of expertise and the type of work you can expect to get involved with. With our support, youll develop your skills, learning from pre-eminent minds whove been exactly where you are now. Youll also have hands-on support and the expert guidance you need. Technology, media and telecommunications is one of the fastest-developing sectors of the legal market. Those who cant access justice, those who cant afford lawyers and that includes not just individuals but charities and nonprofit social enterprise. 2. As a summer associate, youll take critical steps toward becoming a professional. They are a huge law firm that handles complex legal and commercial issues on behalf of their clients. Also think of a couple of interesting questions to ask at the end. Hogan Lovells Vacation Scheme (Winter) Interview Questions After your training contract, youll have the technical skills, industry-recognised qualifications and the experience, to become an exceptional lawyer. Dont rush your answers. The firm has a very lengthy and competitive hiring process. Climate Change - Legal services - Hogan Lovells The application window for training contracts for all students is open between 19 September 2022 and closes on 31 January 2023. Remember to cite LawCareers.Net on your application form if you apply to Hogan Lovells. Plus, for one of those seats, youll have the chance to apply for an international or client secondment. Not only that, youll also tap into a broad range of practice groups here, which include: corporate and finance, global regulatory, intellectual property media and technology (IPMT), and litigation arbitration and employment (LAE). You will need to have two years of qualifying legal work experience, such as a training contract, and successfully pass a character and suitability test. Hogan Lovells Commercial Business Exercise. Try to build up commercial awareness generally to approach the case study. They measure your ability to evaluate arguments, deductions, inferences, and conclusions. Do be charismatic because I think this goes a long way and even more so if you can maintain your charisma despite difficulty. By the end of your programme, youll have discovered so much more about life at Hogan Lovells, including learning and development, diversity and inclusion, wellbeing and our pro bono and citizenship work. Hogan Lovells Training Contracts & Work Placements - LawCareers.Net Do not answer what you feel the interviewer wants to hear. I really enjoyed this part of the day. Partner Interview a. They said that there were no right or wrong answers and that it was more about seeing how I approached different situations. The application window for our summer vacation schemes (open to all penultimate and final year students, as well as graduates) is open from 15 September 2019 until 5 January 2020. Case study was on investor issues ahead of Saudi Aramcos proposed IPO followed PEST etc. f. Why did you not get a vacation scheme in your second year of studies, 5. Research Hogan Lovells and stay up-to-date with the firms current news. Online tests and application screening generally take no longer than a week. What are key issues in case study and what would you do as a lawyer. Apply. The successful candidates will be invited to attend interviews and the assessment centre. Well also give you top tips and advice on how to make your application for a vacation scheme or training contract stand out and how to navigate the world of interviews and assessment days. Sponsored by Milbank LLP. Think about experiences that youve had that others havent. Qualified in England & Wales, admitted in California and registered as a foreign lawyer in Singapore, I am a solicitor in Hogan Lovells Lee & Lee's dispute resolution practice in Singapore specialising in investigations, crisis leadership, and litigation. You will spend three weeks assisting with client work. Make sure you are correctly matching the questions to your answer sheet. Please describe the interview process at Hogan Lovells. The route to solicitor qualification has changed since autumn 2021. Hogan Lovells US LLP and their affiliated businesses, each of which is a separate legal entity. Fairly smooth process, did not grill a nice interview. Dont just talk law. They have more than 52 offices located in Asia, Latin America, Europe, the Middle East, and the United States. Answer Question Motivation on Law and why hogan lovells Answer Question In a seat in the training contract, you want to do real estate. This shows that you have given some thought about your career and made decisions based on research. Hogan Lovells Vacation Scheme (Winter) Interview Questions Updated May 18, 2019 Search job titles Find Interviews Filter To filter interviews, Sign Inor Register. Application Deadlines: Summer vacation scheme June and July 2023 Applications open: 1 October 2022 Applications close: 22 January 2023 In this article, we cover everything you need to know when applying to Hogan Lovell, from the various steps in the hiring process to preparation tips. Hogan Lovells wants excellent team players and people who can build relationships. Welcome to the Hogan Lovells International LLP Online Application System. They said my desire to work in commercial law and my passion for business was also unclear (like I said discuss this even if not prompted to and make sure business formulates part of your why not xxxx career path? They also said that the overriding motivation for why HL was culture and I needed something better to really put forwards my desire to work at the firm. We want the experience to be tailored to your needs and interests as much as possible though, so well ask you to identify your areas of interest to help us do that. Attorney advertising. Jessica Morgan outlines the importance of the vacation scheme to Hogan Lovells recruitment process, the firms Solicitors Qualifying Exam plans and her advice to candidates regarding competency-based questions. With three-week programmes running in the summer and a two-week programme running in the winter, our vacation schemes are the perfect way to take the first steps into your journey as a lawyer. Please describe the interview process at Hogan Lovells. Well set you up with practical training with long-term value, including observing hearings, meetings, and negotiating sessions, as well as attending practice area meetings and firmwide events. And we always will. You'll gain experience in two different practice groups and earn 450 a week. Even though there are no right or wrong answers, it is important to be mindful of the firms core values when answering. International firm increases NQ pay to nearly 150,000. First Year Insight Scheme - London :: Hogan Lovells We want you to get the most out of this, which means you'll get training with real value: working with partners and associates, for instance, on live client matters. As you shed light on our opportunities for fellow students, youll also be creating opportunities for yourself. Everything you need to know about becoming a solicitor, Search for a training contract at nearly 1,000 organisations, A comprehensive list of training contract deadlines, A comprehensive list of law firms' vacation scheme deadlines, Read how today's lawyers went from student to qualified lawyer, Advice from recruiters on acing your applications and more, Get a sense of what firms' vacation schemes are really like, Your essential first step in identifying the firm for you, Hear from solicitors working in specific practice areas, Everything you need to know about becoming a barrister, Search for a pupillage at nearly 200 barristers' chambers, A comprehensive list of pupillage deadlines, Hear from barristers working in specific practice areas, Find out more about the different types of chambers, This hub covers all aspects of legal education and training, Identify the right law school for you with these prospectuses, Find out about sources of funding at each stage of the qualification process, Find out about what you learn and where to study, Find out what the LPC involves and whether you're eligible, Find out about the course required to qualify as a barrister, Find out about the brand-new SQE preparation courses, Articles from law firms designed to get you thinking commercially, These are designed to increase your knowledge of the profession, Insights from LCN and contributors from the world of law, Advice on issues from funding your studies to getting experience, Kickstart your legal career with the latest content in our newsletter, Discover key stories from the legal world, Our videos feature interviews and webinars on careers in law, Hear from the experts via The LawCareers.Net Podcast, Hear from your peers about their journey into the profession. He didnt ask about much I had prepared for, focusing instead on my previous education (Im a career-changer). Well give you an authentic, challenging and rewarding experience, so you can get a real taste of your career ahead. 6 candidates! Show how the skills you have acquired from student jobs can be used in your future career. 2022 Hogan Lovells. If your vacation scheme application is unsuccessful, youll need to wait until the following year (from September 2023) to complete another application. Which, in laymens terms, means youll move around our business to experience different areas of law and work alongside new colleagues every six months as you find the area you want to pursue. I was truly myself in the interview and tried my best and that is all you can ever ask of yourself at the end of the day! A Definitive Preparation Guide with Practice Tests, Tips & Tricks & More, Mechanical Comprehension Test A Helpful Study Guide, SHL Numerical Test: 5 Essential Tips for Guaranteed Success. Hogan Lovells US LLP and their affiliated businesses, each of which is a separate legal entity. "Hogan Lovells" or the firm refers to the international legal practice that comprises Hogan Lovells International LLP, Hogan Lovells US LLP and their affiliated businesses, each of which is a separate legal entity. 2022 Hogan Lovells. Hogan Lovells. City law firm Kingsley Napley announced that its BAME & Allies Network has changed its name to the Race, Ethnicity and Cultural Heritage (REACH) group, in a blog post on its website. So list any work experience that you may have to demonstrate your understanding of business, meeting deadlines, time management, and communicating with people. Corporate finance lawyers advise companies on all aspects of the buying and selling of whole businesses or business assets. Some of the questions you may be asked include: The situational interview is your final interview. To apply to become a campus ambassador,click here. Gain in-depth knowledge about our key practice groups, Gather insights into how we develop relationships with our clients and how we win work, Build an understanding of a law firms economics, Gain insight into how we innovate for our clients through legal case studies, Secure an automatic place on a vacation scheme or training contract assessment day. Paralegal at Hogan Lovells | LLB (Hons) Graduate from University of Warwick Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR. Group exercise split into two groups of three, and asked to assess three potential clients each. This was a situational judgement interview, where they read out a card and you could read it as well explaining scenario and then asked you how you would respond. Will I have the opportunity to work on pro bono matters as a summer associate? Alex Aristides: Journey into Law - Forage Be a future leader. Another important consideration is that we review applications as they come in. But what will that future look like? This button displays the currently selected search type. Closing date 6 January 2023. Its the same for both our summer and winter vacation schemes. Find out more and apply at Each office establishes the dates for its own program, but typically our programs last for approximately 8 to 10 weeks, usually starting in mid-to-late May. The final interview started with a case study, a short piece on a commercial issue that we then had to discuss with two partners. Sponsored by Sullivan & Cromwell LLP. I am really looking forward to take part in the Liked by Charlotte Chan. There are hundreds and thousands of people applying for the same job. This experience will help you decide which area you would like to pursue in the legal field. Deadlines: Training Contract, London 2023: Deadline passed Training Contract, London 2023: Deadline passed Winter Vacation Scheme 2020: Deadline passed HL BaSE Legal Learning Hub Gold Programme: . You then get given the case study which is a short article with a few bullet points at the end. Host of Top Firms Take Vacation Schemes Online - We want you to get the most out of this, which means youll get training with real value: working with partners and associates, for instance, on live client matters. To first understand why you want to pursue a legal career, as well as your knowledge of the legal and business world. Our vacation schemes are so much more than two or three weeks of work experience in a law firm. Most of our U.S. offices have summer programs, and to find the right people, well conduct initial interviews at more than 30 law schools. They also picked up on a few things on my CV e.g my interest in access work. The application for the summer vacation scheme opens on September 20, 2021, and closes on October 31, 2021. In all kinds of unexpected ways. Try and be flexible during the partner interview. The first interview was a partner interview, they began by introducing themselves, then asked me some questions about why I studied history. To become a campus ambassador, the application window opens 2 January 2023 and closes 30 April 2023. First Year Insight Scheme 2021: Deadline passed Hong Kong Summer Vacation .