She is from the city of Cloudsdale, but she mostly resides in Ponyville. (Shhhh, don't tell him, you guys! Just as loyal--but a little morewell, little. In Castle Sweet Castle, Rainbow perks up when Applejack mentions cider. The series starts off with them having a previously established relationship as friends. Mane 6 Mane 5 Cranky Doodle Donkey/Steven Magnet Cutie Mark Crusaders Diamond Tiara/Silver Spoon The Equestria Girls Fluttershy/Discord Kiwi Lollipop/Supernova Zap Lead Racoonicorn 3541/Lead Pegasnail 6128 Mistmane/Sable Spirit Prance Jillette/"quiet best friend" Rainbow Dash/Gilda Sky Stinger/Vapor Trail Snips/Snails Spike/Ember Spike/Thorax Starlight Glimmer/Sunburst Starlight Glimmer/Trixie Sunny Daze/Peachy Pie Twilight Sparkle/Spike Young Six, Romantic relationships In Hard to Say Anything, Big Mac specifies not having a crush on Cheerilee. My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. He later marries Rainbow Dash and the two has a child named Gust. Who does Pinkie Pie marry? In Bats!, Rainbow's priorities are made clear when she hears that after the last fruit bat infestation, there was not a single drop of cider. It's odd that they arrive together. In the second episode, they are shown to both represent Elements of Harmony, Applejack being honesty and Rainbow Dash being loyalty. Pinkie Pie gets very annoyed with his personality and mannerisms at first, but she learns to accept him after understanding how happy he makes Maud. Grand Pear initially disapproved and abandoned Pear Butter, but as the years passed, he began to regret despising the Apples. In Enterplay's collectible card game, Absolute Discord card #63 U of Steven Magnet mentions that he "made best friends with Cranky Doodle Donkey.". Even though she knew it was true, it was still hard to believe. Sombraverse Rainbow Dash: In Hearth's Warming Eve, Clover the Clever states that Star Swirl the Bearded is his mentor. He has a crush on Rainbow Dash, being able to ask her to go on a date with him when she is nominated an official Wonderbolt. He tries approaching Rarity again, but Spike tells him she has a fiance, and Hayseed is heartbroken. In part 4 of the IDW comics story arc Nightmare Rarity, Rarity is restored by her friends with the power of friendship and Spike's love for her, and the evil force possessing her is destroyed. Caramel and Sassaflash also briefly interact during A True, True Friend in Magical Mystery Cure. When she was confronting the dragon, Fluttershy angrily and assertively asks him why he was fighting other five. Rainbow Dash is highly competitive, particularly in athletic events and does not react well to losing. I mean that mostly in the physical proximity sense, but there's something there. AppleDash is the femslash ship between Rainbow Dash and Applejack from the My Little Pony fandom. My Little Pony Secret Ad-mare-er - Tell Your Tale Full Episode - Valentine's Day in Equestria MLP, With 4516 in My Little Pony: Tell Your Tale#Secret Ad-mare-er.[specify]. When the umbrum are defeated, Hope uses her magic to transform Sombra into a real unicorn, and they begin life anew. Suri treats Coco harshly, making her sew all of Suri's dresses for Fashion Week and demanding coffee, and Coco mostly keeps her head down throughout her job. with an arrow pointing to Sandalwood's photograph. Representing the Element of Loyalty, she is charged with keeping the weather. In Rainbow Falls, Rainbow Dash comes to the conclusion that even though she loves winning, she loves her friends "waaaaay more. During this race, she discovered her likes for speed and went faster and faster until she performed a sonic rainboom and got her cutie mark. In Ponyville Mysteries Issue 4, Rainbow pours cider straight from the tap into her mouth. [26], In My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks onward, Sunset and Princess Twilight begin communicating via magic journal as unofficial student and teacher respectively, with Sunset occasionally turning to Twilight for advice or guidance on a dilemma. Upon the release of "My Little Pony: Equestria Girls Season 2 Trailer" in early January 2019,[16] Katrina Hadley stated "" regarding Sunset, Flash, and Ken Webster. Rainbow Dash is the first to volunteer for a dangerous task, the fastest pony in Ponyville and a true pony hero! She never felt the need to have anything beyond that simple life. Anypony who has ever seen this rainbow-haired Pegasus from Cloudsdale in the air has been in awe of her speed, agility, and confidence. Snips and Snails are best friends and often seen in each other's company. "[15], This disappointment is somewhat assuaged later when young Rainbow was selected to carry Cloudsdale's flag in the Equestria Games opening ceremony. In Rainbow Rocks and Friendship Games, Lyra and Sweetie Drops' human counterparts are equally close, collaborating during the CHS Musical Showcase and again reconciling after a confrontation in All's Fair in Love & Friendship Games. Rainbow Dash is a tomboyish Pegasus with an affinity for speed and athleticism. Young Rainbow Dash: In Flutter Brutter, Fluttershy's younger brother Zephyr Breeze frequently flirts with Rainbow Dash, much to Rainbow's disgust. Implied in The Washouts[specify] and by Jim Miller.[25][specify]. During the Running of the Leaves, Rainbow Dash continues to use underhand tactics even though her wings are tied down. She also teases Spike about his maid outfit in the same episode before being scolded by Rarity. Rainbow Dash has a pet tortoise named Tank, whom she chooses out of Fluttershy's offered animals in the episode May the Best Pet Win! With the help of her friends, as well as her fellow Wonderbolts, Rainbow Dash is as competitive and self-confident as ever. When Feather Bangs fails to win Sugar Belle's heart against Big McIntosh, the Cutie Mark Crusaders encourage him to approach the mares and give him advice on how to talk to them. Applejack's Love is a fanfiction story written by IHasApple. During this time, Rainbow Dash's wing power was measured at 16.5, while most of the other Pegasi's wing power could barely measure more than 10. Her reason is a chance to draw the attention of the Wonderbolts, who perform there every year. They vied for her affections, and the competition escalated so much that the brothers had a heated falling-out. You're you! In A Horse Shoe-In, Twilight passes her role as principal on to Starlight Glimmer. Huh. During their time on Captain Celaeno's airship, Rainbow convinces her and her fellow pirates to rebel against the Storm King and return to their swashbuckling ways, but she accidentally draws Tempest's attention with her sonic rainboom. Rainbow Dash's loyalty is tested in The Return of Harmony Part 1. When he arrives in Ponyville to retire from his search, he reunites with Matilda with Pinkie Pie's help, and the two rekindle their relationship. The only thing Rainbow Dash is concerned with now is going really fast! Throughout the episode, Trenderhoof hangs closely around Applejack, to her chagrin, and tries to get her attention. In Gameloft's mobile game during the 2018 Hearts and Hooves Day storyline, the Cutie Mark Crusaders interact with the three mares on Feather Bangs' behalf, but he ends up becoming interested in Blaze instead. She also assists the Cutie Mark Crusaders outside of class in Hearts and Hooves Day. Rainbow Dash wins the duel when she suddenly transforms into her pony-like state . In Gameloft's mobile game during the 2018 Hearts and Hooves Day event, Feather Bangs becomes interested in Blaze and asks her to be his Special Somepony, which she accepts. In Crusaders of the Lost Mark, the Cutie Mark Crusaders receive their cutie marks, and their close bond of friendship is reflected in their cutie marks' similar designs. They gay for each other. In The Break Up Break Down, Golden Harvest and Meadow Song appear to be on a Hearts and Hooves Day date. Published by Henry Stone on November 28, 2022. When Buck invites her to the Fall Formal Gala, Cadance only accepts because she believes Shining Armor is going to the dance with someone else. In Common Ground, Quibble Pants is in a romantic relationship with Clear Sky, a single mother with a daughter named Wind Sprint. Who does Rainbow Dash have a crush on? Warning: This is extremely gross. In the second half of the story, Fleetfoot fights over Big Mac with Tealove. WEDDING. Spike befriends Ember during the Gauntlet of Fire in the episode of the same name after he saves her from drowning, and they work together to claim the Bloodstone Scepter. However, Sassy runs the boutique overbearingly, taking more dress orders than Rarity can handle and overseeing much of the boutique's business without Rarity's input. Twilight frees Trixie from the amulet's corrupting influence, and they seemingly make amends. This single event also caused Twilight . He later marries Rainbow Dash and the two has a child named Gust. The Wonderbolts attend the Gala in The Best Night Ever, where they mingle with the guests in a V.I.P. In the "The Freshman Class Weighs In" section of the My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Canterlot High Tell-All (Replica Journal), Apple Bloom writes "My friend Sweetie Belle sits next to me in science class and we both have a total crush on the boy in front of us. However, some time before the ceremony, Queen Chrysalis infiltrates Canterlot and switches places with Cadance. The series starts off with them having a previously established relationship as friends. Rarity tries several attempts to get Trenderhoof's attention, including adopting Applejack's country mannerisms. In Boast Busters, when Applejack and Rarity criticize Trixie for showing off magic tricks and looking down on other ponies, Rainbow Dash adds, "Especially when ya got me around being better than the rest of us.". The stallion is unnamed in the episode, but he is named Rainbow Blaze and described as Rainbow Dash's "dashing mentor" in Enterplay's collectible card game and is also named Rainbow Blaze in the IDW comics. [27] As of Baby Cakes, Pinkie Pie also occasionally babysits Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake for Mr. and Mrs. Cake. A rivalry full of sexual tension combined with Twilight, Rarity and Pinkie being largely consumed by their work/personal lives. Watch the fireworks with a loyal group of friends. Hey, now wait a minute! Changeling Rainbow Dash: "[15], In My Little Pony Equestria Girls, Rarity mentions to Twilight Sparkle that Flash Sentry is Sunset Shimmer's ex-boyfriend and that he "broke up with her a few weeks ago." Like, the subtext is really, really strong. Through most of the series, Rainbow Dash and Applejack are depicted as close friends, as all of the Mane 6 are. NOT being noticed goes against most of what Rainbow Dash stands for, but desperate times call for desperate measures. In My Little Pony: Friends Forever Issue #9, Granny Smith tells Flim and Flam that when she was a young mare, the Jonagold brothers fawned and fought over her. After initially rebuffing Spike's friendship due to her dragon upbringing, Ember later accepts his friendship. Chromeverse. Alizarin Bubblegum/Celery Stalk Amethyst Star/Royal Riff Apple Crisp/Ginger Gold Aunt Holiday/Auntie Lofty Big McIntosh/Cheerilee Big McIntosh/Sugar Belle Blaze/Feather Bangs Blue Moon/North Star Bright Mac/Pear Butter Brumby Cloverpatch/Duchess Precipita Buck Withers/Lemony Gems Buffalo Bull/Cherry Jubilee Bulk Biceps/Octavia Melody Caramel/Sassaflash Caramel/Shoeshine Cherry Fizzy/Daisy Clear Sky/Quibble Pants Cosmos/Discord Cotton Sky/Starry Eyes Cranky Doodle Donkey/Matilda Curly Winds/Wiz Kid Fancy Pants/Fleur de Lis Flash Sentry/Sunset Shimmer Flash Sentry/Twilight Sparkle (Flash Sentry/Princess Twilight Sparkle Flash Sentry/Sci-Twi) Golden Harvest/Meadow Song Golden Harvest/Strawberry Cream Hoofbeard/Jewel King Sombra/Princess Celestia King Sombra/Radiant Hope Lemon Hearts/Autumn Leaf Lucky Clover/Wild Fire Lyra Heartstrings/Sweetie Drops Marble Pie/"that special somepony" Maud Pie/Mudbriar Mr. After Twilight helps to mend their relationship, Trixie finally lets go of her resentment toward her. On January 3, 2016, Tony Fleecs was asked regarding the cover "Judging by the hoofprints, they just got there, so who wrote the thing on the ground?" Shed always considered him a friend, even after everything that had happened with the Friendship Games. In several rounds, she uses her wings to give herself an unfair advantage. What she wears when she's challenging a new-fangled steam train to a cross-country race. Sunset Shimmer, first introduced as a malicious high school bully, becomes friends with Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie at the end of My Little Pony Equestria Girls. In Flight to the Finish, Rainbow Dash acts overly enthusiastic in front of Ms. Harshwhinny as she addresses Cheerilee's class, causing Harshwhinny to scold her for being unprofessional. In The Last Problem, Yona is shown to be working in the future at Rarity's boutique. Won't somepony please think of the cider?!Bats! [29][specify], A duck is Dewdrop Dazzle's pet. 1 The Royal Wedding shows silhouettes matching Pinny Lane and "Theodore Donald "Donny" Kerabatsos" approaching each other, having hearts appear above them, and moving briefly closer to each other, all while Pinkie Pie narrates "when two ponies fall in love, they get married and have a wedding. But beyond ambition, Rainbow Dash is known for being absolutely loyal to her friends!