Compared to other bitter herbs, the bitterness of chamomile is considered as mild so it is quite safe to be consumed as herbal tea. Despite its taste, bitter gourd is a very popular and staple vegetable in Indian households. Bitter melon or bitter gourd is also known as karela in Hindi. List of various diseases cured by Bitter Leaf. Treating Leptospirosis. A Modern Herbal | Wormwoods - It can be found in majorly West African countries like Nigeria, Côte d'Ivoire, Sierra Leone, Ghana and Senegal . Start seed indoors (best in peat pots which decompose in the soil because seedlings dislike being transplanted) about 4 weeks prior to . Traditional Medicine- African Bitter Leaf |Vernonia ... Vernonia amygdalina - Wikipedia Plant description. Yoruba names for herbs, fertility herbs, Plants & Spices. In fact, it's the bitterest naturally-occurring chemical known to exist. Local Name: Ewedu (Yoruba), Rama Ayoyo (Hausa/Fulbe), Kerenkere (Igbo. Bitter Melon - Kaiser Permanente 11 Bitter Leaf Health Benefits That Proven Bitter melon is also very significant in Ayurveda given its numerous health benefits. But some people are beginning to plant to take health benefits of bitter leaf. Botanical names: Momordica charantia How It Works At least three different groups of constituents in bitter melon have been reported to have blood-sugar lowering actions of potential benefit in diabetes mellitus. When ingesting the pith from young shoots of V. amygdalina , chimpanzees meticulously remove the outer bark and leaves to chew on the exposed pith, from which they extract the extremely bitter juice and insubstantial amounts of fiber ( Fig. Beyond its taste, there are a lot of benefits you tend to enjoy when you increase your intake of this leaf. Ampalaya Bitter Melon is a climbing vine that grows up to 5m, with tendrils up to 20cm. It has a characteristic sharp, bitter and slightly sweet when it is eaten fresh. Bitter melon belongs to the Cucurbitaceae plant family in the Plantae kingdom. Nigeria. Boil 3-4 gms of the plant in water till the quantity of water reduces to one fourth. In a popular gardening book of 1638, it was valued for its sweet apple-scented leaves. The yellow flowers grow in compact groups at the end of the branches. Little Introduction of Aloe Vera Aloe vera is a succulent plant species. The leaves are elliptical and up to 20 cm (7.9 in) long. It is a very popular plant loved by the people from the eastern and western parts of Africa. The leaves are very bitter, hence its name. The Karela has medicinal benefits because of its unique phytochemical constituents like alkaloids, insulin-containing peptides, and charantin (a mixture of steroidal sapogenins). Most times, its sold already pre-washed in the Nigerian market. It is noteworthy that bitter leaves can also be sweetened with organic honey to reduce its bitterness. English name: bitter melon and bitter gourd. Boron Zinc Phosphorus Calcium Magnesium Eugenol Anetol Tannin Epigenin Linalol Terpineol Stigmaasterol Cineol Arginine Usage The scent leaves can be used as vegetables to prepare meals or… The plant is a perennial, rhizomatous, herbaceous plant native to the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia that requires temperatures between 20 and 30 °C (68 and 86 °F) and a considerable amount . The name fits since the bark of the tree contains quassin, a substance 50 times more bitter than quinine. The herb known as Irawo Ile is called Girdlepod in English. Fresh Leafy Greens Vegetable Used For Soup, Stew, Tea, Salad, Juice And Drinks. Though this herb is toxic and bitter and is very very dose dependent, many cultures use the leaves of this plant in certain traditional dishes. This herbal plant belongs to the family of Cucurbitaceae, and it is a tropical as well as a subtropical vine. Contrary to being merely just a weed, it has a wide array of health benefits. As the name indicates, it is bitter in taste. This is a non-toxic plant and eaten as vegetable and salad. Ampalaya leaves are heart-shaped, which are 5 to 10 centimeters in diameter. The Karela is known by different names in India as per their regional origin: In English: bitter melon, bitter gourd, bitter squash, and bitter . It is a perennial herb with a typical height between 60 and . In the Middle East, the Carribean, and Africa, the plant is known as Cerasee, but in other parts of the world, this vine goes by many names - it is called Saint Cajetan's Melon in Brazil, Corilla in Guyana, Ampalaya or Amorgoso in the Philippines, Pare or Paria in Indonesia, and plenty . It is widely used in cooking in typical Nigerian homes, especially in Yoruba and Igbo land. The traditional South American remedy for diabetes is to juice 1-2 fresh bitter melon fruits and drink twice daily. Botanical Description of Bitter Bitter melon bears male and female flowers that are yellow in color and grow at the axils of the leaves. Before we list all the most interesting health benefits of bitter leaf, let us look at its botanical name and some other facts. Botanical names: Momordica charantia How It Works At least three different groups of constituents in bitter melon have been reported to have blood-sugar lowering actions of potential benefit in diabetes mellitus. Herbs are plants with aromatic or savoury properties that are used for medicinal purposes, as food spices, and also for fragrances. For example- The Scientific Name of the Neem tree is Azadirachta indica or A.indica. Scent leaf extracts are also commonly used as traditional medicine in treating illnesses like fever, cough, body pain and so on. Scent leaf scientific name ; Ocimum gratissimum. Health benefits of bitter leaf are something that people didn't know. The leaves, stem, roots, and even seeds of these plants have various culinary and medicinal benefits. Alternanthera sessilis/Gudri sag/ Ponnanganni is used for medicinal purpose not in Indian traditional medicine system but also in many countries of Africa. After chilling filtered, then taken 2 times a day each 1/2 cup. The bitter leaf (onugbu) plant contains anti-fungal, anti-carcinogenic, antibacterial, anti-malarial, anti-protozoal and anti-helmintic properties. It is also used as a flavoring bitter in aperitifs, liquors, and tonics. M. charantia is a tropical and subtropical species belonging to the family Cucurbitaceae, and is widely grown for its edible fruit, which is among the most bitter of all fruits. Local Name: Efirin (Yoruba), Nahianwu(Igbo), Daidoya(Hausa) Botanically: Ocimum gratissimum, Family Labiatae "Efirin" (scent leaf) is an important vegetable sold across the country because of its manifold medicinal usages, it's also commonly grown around houses as a mosquito repellant. Use by chimpanzees of this plant often requires a detour from the group's commonly used travel routes. The fruit of the vine is oblong and with a rather rough exterior. However, this bitter taste provides tremendous health benefits. Bitter leaves have many names depending on the location, tribe and the environment. Both its leaves and roots are used. It grows 1 to 2 m tall and has alternate trilobed leaves. Momordica charantia is a vigorous, tendril-bearing, frost tender, annual vine of the cucumber family that will grow rapidly to 12-20' long in a single growing season. It. All portions of the plant have a bitter taste. Names of Bitter Gourd in various languages of the world are also given. The botanical name is Mitracarpus scaber. Compositae---Part Used---Herb.Roman Wormwood (Artemesia Pontica) is not indigenous to this country, being a native of Southern Europe.It grows about the same height as the Common Wormwood, but has smaller and more finely cut leaves, the segments being narrower, the upper leaves more resembling those of Southernwood; the leaves are white . Ewuro (Ibdan, Nigeria) Etidot (Cross River State of Nigeria) Bitter leaf . Some Nigerian tribes call it 'ewuro', others say it is 'onugbu', and there is also 'ndole' version of the name. Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients in Bitter Gourd. Aside from being used in Ayurvedic, traditional Asian, and Western medicine, bitter melon is a vegetable used in curries, stuffed with food, and is sliced and fried. . V. Other Names For Karela. Ewedu Leaf Health Facts. Bell pepper => Capsicum annum 7. The name Aloe was derived from the Arabic word "Alloeh", means "shining bitter substance" and vera came from the Latin word "vera", meaning "true". The plant is also believed to be effective against diabetes, snake bite, and cancer. This plant was attached by Linnaeus to the genus Anethum, but was separated from it by De Candolle and placed with three or four others in a new genus styled Foeniculum, which has been generally adopted by botanists. As its name suggests, it is a plant whose main characteristic is it bitter stem and leaves. Botanical Name: Corchorus Olitorius. Beet => Beta Vulgaris crassa group 6. Before proceeding, I will like to give details of this wonderful plant to you my dear readers, this plant are called: Great Herbal Medicinal Health Benefits And Nutritional Value. But, before we talk about the specific benefit, it could be better to know about bitter leaf first. When the toxins are not expelled from the body other body processes may not function well and can lead to poor health. The plant is bitter, sweet, constipating and cooling in action. All the plant's parts including the leaves, stems, and roots are used in herbal remedies. Also, a phytochemotherapy (treatment based on plant chemicals) for cancer made from aqueous extracts of leaves of Bitter leaf, collected in Benin City, has received a United States Patent 6849604. Utazi is a climbing shrub with a broad heart shaped leaves. This plant produces yellow flowers and the leaves have a distinctive odour and is very famously called Rue herb | Common Rue all over the world and Ruda in Spanish. dulcis L., Citrus longispina Wester , Citrus sinensis Osbeck , and Citrus vulagaris Risso. Bitter Leaf (Yoruba: Ewuro, Igbo: Onugbu, Hausa: Shiwaka) Bitter leaf, as the name suggests, is an African plant with bitter taste. Ampalaya (scientific name: Momordica charantia) - a vegetable used to treat diabetes (diabetes mellitus) it is now commercially produced in tablet form and tea bags. Bitter leaf is also useful to treat a toothache, the way is to use: a fresh bitter leaf as much as 9-15 g; boiled in 3 cups of water until the remaining 1 cup. Botanical Name: Taraxacum Common Names: Bitterwort, blow-ball, cankerwort, clockflower, Irish daisy, lion's tooth, piss-in-bed, pissinlit, priest's crown, puffball, swine's snout, telltime, yellow gowan Dandelion is a weed belonging to the daisy family and is easily available in most parts of the world. What is Cerasee? Bitter leaf is an herb plant. The leaves, fruit and seeds are used in the . Vernonia amygdalina . Ampalaya (Bitter Melon) with a scientific name Momordica charantia, is a climbing vine and the tendrils of which grow up to 20 centimeters long. The plant species also is found throughout the Caribbean islands. Broccoli […] Also called Jute leaves as in the English Language, Achingbara in Igbo, and Rama in Hausa. This bitter plant is used as a laxative medicine and also has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties with the ferox gel having 130 medicinal agents. The herb known as Irawo Ile is called Girdlepod in English. Ewedu Leaf is one of the many indigenous leafy vegetables used in making soups, mostly by the Yoruba people of Nigeria. 169 Local Nigerian Name For Scent Leaf. These include a mixture of steroidal saponins known as charantin, insulin-like peptides, and alkaloids. Vitamins in Bitter leaf includes;Vitamin A, Vitamin C ,Vitamin E, Vit.B1 and Vit.B2. Although the leaves of neem, are extremely bitter, the flowers with their off-white buds have unbelievable therapeutic properties and are edible as well. Medicinal uses of Gudari Saag/ Sessile Joyweed/ Ponnanganni Keerai. 20. If you know the health benefits of herbal chamomile tea and then the benefits of chamomile are similarly the same. Scent leaf in Hausa: Daidoya Acorn squash => Cucurbita pepo 2. It is of the African origin. * Utazi /Otazi leaves (Gongronema latifolium) :This leaf is heart shaped with a somewhat bitter taste ( not as bitter as bitter leaf) and is usually eaten raw. The leaves are green with a characteristic odour and a bitter taste Of course, you can use the leaves as leafy-vegetable or medicine throughout the growing season. When handled, the fresh leaves and stems stain the skin yellow. Bitter leaf can also help lower blood sugar in diabetics; All these benefits come from extract the juice of bitter leaves and using it where applicable. Amplaya leaves are heart-shaped, 5-10 cm across, cut into 5-7 . Vernonia amygdalina is a shrub or small tree of 2 - 5 m with petiolate leaf of about 6 mm diameter and elliptic shape. However, this vegetable is one of the most versatile and beneficial plants in the world as it is used for medicinal, culinary, and even curative purposes. As the name implies, the plant is actually bitter and is used in preparing the popular Nigerian bitter leaf soup. Good for the kidney The kidney plays an essential role in the body as it helps to eliminate toxins and wastes that may inhibit its function. READ ALSO: Benefits of bitter leaf and scent leaf. It is a tropical plant that is widely cultivated in Asia, India, East Africa, and South America for its intensely bitter fruits that are commonly used in cooking and as a natural remedy for treating diabetes. The plant is used as a natural medicine for treating malaria. Bitter leaf greens are used in the form of vegetable eaten to promote and enhance the digestive tract to do its job. Some Nigerian tribes call it 'ewuro', others say it is 'onugbu', and there is also 'ndole' version of the name. Although quassia bark is an ingredient in herbal bitters in moderate amounts, the presence of these highly bitter phytochemical makes infusions made with this herb . There are approximately 200 species of Vernonia distributed over the tropical countries of Africa, and the plant is used as food and medicine. Before we list all the most interesting health benefits of bitter leaf, let us look at its botanical name and some other facts. Benefits of Bitter leaf. Its bark is rough. Bitter gourd leaves are used to treat variety of diseases such as diabetes, piles, respiratory ailments, cholera, viral diseases and skin eruptions. V. amygdalina typically grows to a height of 2-5 m (6.6-16.4 ft). Indica mainly refers to the short stem, broad leaves and grown primarily for use in drugs. 2oz 4.0 out of 5 stars 15 ratings Currently unavailable. The antimicrobial property is due to the presence of phenolic and flavonoids present in the plant. Avarampoo Medicinal Uses & Health Benefits: 1. Forest burr (Emo-agbo) Popularly called Forest burr or creeping cock's comb, the botanical name of this herb is Pupalia lappacea. Ingesting or applying the bitter sap can also aid against arthritis, sinusitis and conjunctivitis, and juice from the cut leaves can treat burns, detoxifying the damaged area and promoting . The plant has gained immense popularity than other plants for its contribution to beauty, health and skincare and the medicinal value it possesses. Woody evergreen perennial native to the Mediterranean is a very noticeable, attractive, blue-green, lacy, shrub-like plant, with long-lived bright yellow blooms. In Europe, gentian is an alpine plant with a long history of medicinal uses for digestive problems, fever, hypertension, liver ailments, skin problems, rheumatism, and gout. English name ;Scent leaf Local names Nunum .. Akan Ewuro .. Yoruba Onugbu ..Ibo Nigerians call it Bitter leaf. Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients in Bitter Leaf. This is mainly genuine with aloe vera. One of the oldest of all talismanic plants, Rue was used to ward off contagion, malevolent spirits and fleas. According to the, this plant has a botanical name, Vernonia Amugdalina. long. Known as vepampoo in Tamil, these flowers are often used in their fresh or dry forms and added to pachadi, rasam, flower rice, lentils, curries and more. Origin. Various names exist for the plant and its fruit, including bitter melon, bitter gourd, goya from the Japanese or Karela from Hindi, ampalayá from Tagalog, and cerasee . You can avoid the bitter taste by adding 1 tsp of honey to it. V. amygdalina is commonly called Congo Bololo in D. R. Congo, bitter leaf in English because of its bitter taste. The botanical name of this plant is Gangronema latifolium from the family Asclepiadaceae. This is a list of Botanical or Scientific Names of Vegetables: 1. The scientific name of the sour orange are Citrus aurantium Linn. It is commonly known as Bitter orange, Coolie orange, and Citrus karna, Sadaphal, Gambhru khatta, Kharna katta, Mallikanarangi (Siddha/Tamil) How Bitter Gourd is effective for various diseases is listed in repertory format. Succulents, or fat plants, typically have leaves that are thicker and fleshier than other plants. So, if you can get past the flavour, you'll be rewarded in . Turmeric (pronounced / ˈ t ɜːr m ər ɪ k /, also / ˈ tj uː m ər ɪ k /) is a flowering plant, Curcuma longa of the ginger family, Zingiberaceae, the rhizomes of which are used in cooking. Even pickles, flakes, and soft drinks are prepared with the use of bitter melon. Irawo Ile. Rich In Vitamins. Bitter leaf has a taste that many people can't withstand, though the plant really does have an impressive list of health benefits. Anti Microbial Properties: The leaf extract of avarampoo plant has amazing anti microbial properties and the methanol extract is more potent than the water extract. 1. Bitter Leaf Plant - Vernonia amygdalina. Botanical name: Laurus nobilis Other names: Bay Laurel Flavor: Bitter, minty, peppery Associated cuisine: Caribbean, French, South Asian, Filipino Used in: Biryani, adobo Uses: Curries, general seasoning, spice blends, Available form: whole leaves, dried ground leaf Bay leaves are popular around the world for their flavor-enhancing properties. How Bitter Leaf is effective for various diseases is listed in repertory format. It uses includes the following: It is used to treat skin infections such as dermatoses, scabies, and ringworms. The term bitter leaf has different names across Africa. Asparagus => Asparagus officinalis 4. The Bitter Leaf plant is a good source of dietary fibers, proteins, various minerals like calcium, magnesium, potassium . It is a . It uses includes the following: It is used to treat skin infections such as dermatoses, scabies, and ringworms. Names of Bitter Leaf in various languages of the world are also given. Atis (scientific name: Anona squamosa L.) - a small tree used as a medicinal herb. NUTRITIONAL CONTENT. Consume this decoction twice a day. Bitter leaves may be used alone as medicine or in combination with other drugs. Characterized by bitter green leaves, V. amygdalina is believed to stimulate the digestive system when it is consumed. The Bitter Leaf plant is found in abundance here in Nigeria, where it is used both for food and medicine but are you aware of the 17 Bitter Leaf health benefits to be listed here? Tea, salad, Juice and Drinks cm ( 7.9 in ) long Nigerian homes especially! Atis ( Scientific name times, its sold already pre-washed in the soil seedlings. Scabies, and alkaloids, then taken 2 times a day each 1/2 cup sweet & # x27 s! Citrus longispina Wester, Citrus sinensis Osbeck, and it is a non-toxic plant and eaten as vegetable and.! ) plant contains anti-fungal, anti-carcinogenic, antibacterial, anti-malarial, anti-protozoal and anti-helmintic properties // '' the... 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