If you pass everything through a Christianity-filter then all youre really seeing is Christianity. It may not be so simple as there are alien planets with their own societies. One of Strassmans volunteers in the DMT study, Jeremiah, reported how unbelievably free-standing and durable his experience in the DMT realm was: DMT has shown me the reality that there is an infinite variation on reality. But I'm curious if anyone has asked these machine elves whether they are in fact demons or asked about God and got a different, non-negative response. The DMT 'elves' people meet while tripping - Big Think This is too proximal. Racist Machine Elves Chant "Emmett Till" at Black DMT Tripper The dark shamanic practices were created when DMT was ingested and these demons were involked. Regardless, a recurring theme in DMT entity contact circles around being tested, probed, and instructed, usually in highly advanced futuristic settings. Some psychonauts believe the visions are subjective evidence of highly advanced extraterrestrial intelligence, perhaps genetically-engineered advanced humans of the far future who are attempting to influence the current destiny of humanity. If we would entertain the possibility that machine elves are other beings outside of our own mind, then they would also be subject based. thesis in history which explores how Buddhist and Hindu texts were first properly translated and introduced to the western world in the late 18th and 19th century. Emptiness (sunyata) and silence is the foundation of all experience, and I suspect that these machine-elves may also have learnt this, and perhaps this is one of the reasons why they wish to play with us in their hyper-dimensional playgrounds. Moderators remove posts from feeds for a variety of reasons, including keeping communities safe, civil, and true to their purpose. DMT Milking | Reality SandwichIndigenous cultures have used 5-MeO-DMT for centuries. What's especially interesting and downright weird is that unrelated users taking DMT in completely different surroundings all report similar experiences with the DMT entities, and scientists don't know why. simple reason is we dont really understand what consciousness is to begin with , and whether the universe is conscious or not Traditionally, the Celtic people saw them as spirits of the dead, maintaining some ability to communicate with the living. The emotional state of the individual having the experience, determined by set and setting, may play a role in the overall attitude projected by the machine elves. ", It may seem like it would be scary or one might not be emotionally prepared to encounter these entities on a DMT trip, and Thayer says it's not uncommon for human beings to experience fear, but "the most common emotions people experience are joy, love and trust.". Machine Elf | Non-alien Creatures Wiki | Fandom DMT users have reported encounters with "machine elves": entities What I got from it was to not focus so much on certain belief group, the ones who think they are right are actually wrong. They're called machine elves, and let me tell you, they're not your average garden-variety beings. The entities are almost unanimously seen as welcome figures, who guide users trips and offer space in a friendly and celebratory way. "The hallucinations vary widely, but usually involve geometric patterns, vivid colors and contact with 'entities,'" Thayer says. Though all those drugs produce hallucinations, DMT users tend to report seeing otherworldly beings or "DMT elves," often also called "machine elves.". Machine elves (also known as fractal elves or self-transforming elf machines) is a term coined by the late ethnobotanist, writer and philosopher Terence McKenna to describe the apparent entities that are often reported by individuals using tryptamine-based psychedelic drugs, especially DMT. Its not a hallucination, but an observation. Meditation does the same. DMT The Spirit Molecule is a 2010 documentary that overviews DMT from a multidisciplinary perspective, incorporating ethnobotany, modern neuroscience, spirituality, and more. In all your words I get the feeling you still see other not as yourself. machine elves or entities are all just concepts your head created and nothing else. Some describe them as angels, demons, and. Behind it the machine elf which is different to different people. The self-transforming machine elves that are singing in a hyperdimensional language. They are neither demons nor angels nor mortals. Here is Terence's description of the beings: 'You pass through a membrane of some sort, and you're in a place. One regular user, Terence McKenna, had this to say about the experience: "What arrests my attention is the fact that this space is inhabited. Sorry, this post has been removed by the moderators of r/Psychonaut. These claims rest on the reductionist assumption that the brain is a generator of consciousness and nothing more. The Dao is derived from the Supreme Being, which isnt an individual entity but more like an unborn field of pure intelligence, which is weightless and formless that permeates all that exists and all that is beyond manifestation. I do not claim that the machine elves are anything because I wont claim that they even exist to begin with. Users describe being transported to a distant realm where they meet seemingly autonomous entities, and often those same entities appear to different people. Terence Mckenna describes vocal energy as the prima materia of the DMT realm, where everything is made of the stuff of visible language. Do it! In 2021, researchers at the University of Greenwich and Imperial College London performed the first field study of DMT use. DMT Entities | Doctrine of Demons | Machine Elves | New Age It's okay not to be okay! Among psychedelics a subclass of hallucinogenic drugs that can send people on a "trip" of an often utterly bizarre nature a few have been studied extensively. Individuals also report seeing Gaia (Mother Earth), demigods, goddesses, demons, angels, souls, spiritual elders, and religious figures like Buddha, Jesus Christ, Krishna, and Muhammad. So the diamonds in the sky are like abstract purple light, fractal and moving closer are further. In short, it is an open question whether the DMT realm and its entities exist outside of human consciousness or are a product of human consciousness. 6 Common Hallucinations and What They Tell Us. Dont think about who we are Think about doing what were doing. Which is interesting to say the least. And as I understood, I felt a bubble kind of grow inside of me. The machine elves, according to Terence, are entities that one encounters when they consume the requisite amount of Dimethyltryptamineor, more commonly, DMT. They would mock them, laugh at them, and stock them for sometimes hours and even tell them that they were not ready for the experience. In all cases I'd REALLY wish you seek medical help asap if this has been going on for a while. And it felt.. and then I cant remember what it felt like because the little self-transforming tykes interrupted me and said, Dont think about it. Though all those drugs produce hallucinations, DMT users tend to report seeing otherworldly beings or "DMT elves," often also called "machine elves.". By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. When given DMT, the brain can now perceive different channels of information that it couldnt in ordinary waking consciousness (that is, within the narrow frequency of Channel Normal). They've come to be known by many names, including "clockwork elves", "DMT elves", "fractal elves", and "tykes" (a word for small child). Support @LevPo's Break The Rules by Subscribing to Youtube & Signing Up for Patreon below . DMT Extraction: Behind the Scientific ProcessTake a look at DMT extraction and the scientific process involved. The sharp blade in the hands of the unskilled student, or the same blade in the hands of the wise master? According to trip reports, creatures may not always carry direct messages for the visitors, and some, like reptiles and spiders, may evoke apprehension. As for the frequency of the elf meme in the DMT world, Kent says, Why is the alien/elf archetype so common to the DMT experience? After you open your 3rd eye any number of demons can be living in it, flowing in and out freely. He realized that he was made of immaculate and timeless consciousness when meditating in his hermit cave on the island of Gotland. Look closer at OP's recent post history. Is it dangerous? The answer is: Yes, its tremendously dangerous; the danger is the possibility of death by astonishment!, The lucidity of these experiences coupled with the high degree of correspondence between peoples experiences intuitively generates the idea of alternate realities inhabited by independently-existing intelligent entities. A warrior who kills without thought, only for the sake of killing, who would turn on his own men when the enemy runs out to sate his own thirst for blood That is the closest we might come to conjuring a demon, A warrior who takes a psychedelic journey, confronts the opposing armies on the battlefield of his mind, humbles himself, learns to see his enemy as human too, feels the weight of his task, Or perhaps I am wrong, and the bravest warriors subjected themselves to the most grueling of psychedelia as a means of steeling themselves against the enemies on the real battlefield. Psychonaut Terence McKenna first popularized them through psychedelic drugs, especially DMT. You return not to where you left off, but to where things have gone since you left. Read to learn what can 5-MeO-DMT show us about consciousness. And I'm not sure if these things aren't just inventions of the mind. Machine elves can take on many forms depending on the individual. Many do not wish to confront it. SWIM has never done DMT but the other psychedelics opened SWIM up to some of the most pure, loving ways of thought SWIM has ever conceived. I'm not really religious. When inhaled, the psychedelic experience comes on quickly and typically lasts between 5 and 20 minutes. Anthony of Westgate on Twitter: ""Machine elves" are demons and will Machine elves can take on many forms depending on the individual. Disclaimer: In case you were considering flagging this: I have never taken psychedelics before I have just made this video for my actors reel and am acting as someone who has Because of this this video should be treated as a short film that includes dialogue about drug use and should not be flagged.. I believe that he has definitely taken DMT, but for legal and monetization reasons he has put that disclaimer. I for one, have decided to suspend my judgement. The elves may permeate reality, as they claim, but it is unlikely that they are the source of the Universe or the Dao. Humanoid beings are a common archetype of the DMT experience. This practice is likely thousands of years old and is used for spiritual, medicinal and cultural purposes," he says. And that isnt the wisest thing to do is it? Mechanical elves (3x priority) | a forest at night | full moon | vivid colors where tf is my full moon? 5 Terrifying Creatures That Attack While You're Sleeping - HellHorror I gave it to Tibetans, they said this is the lesser lights, the lesser lights of the Bardo. Does Absinthe Really Cause Hallucinations? DMT Machine/Clockwork elves, Dark Jesters, Djinn, Demons, Extra What's especially unusual about the DMT machine elves is the fact that lots of people report seeing the same kinds of incidents and visions in which these beings occurred. They often have cogs or clockwork machines inside them, coupled with elven features. A psychonaut is a person who experiences intentionally induced altered states of consciousness and claims to use the experience to investigate his or her mind, and possibly address spiritual questions, through direct experience. In DMT The Spirit Molecule, Rick Strassman proposes that the brains relationship to consciousness may be akin to the relationship of a TV set to a TV signal. Machine elves are demons simply put and when you take psychedelics, you are opening your mind up to demonic possession. If you as a human being decide to enter their realm, they will most likely want to play with you. Berkeley with degrees in ecology, shamanism and conservation. It is the manifestation of Disorder in the Great Dark Beyond and the Twisting Nether.It is demonic, entropic, chaotic, and extremely volatile. The self-transforming machine elves that are singing in a hyperdimensional language. In her analysis, she categorized the entities and their frequency as follows: Lets take a look at some of these other DMT entities in more detail. Lev Polyakov on Twitter: "RT @breakth3rules: @vers_LaLune on DMT Hope this helps any who wish to see them. He postulated that they could be evidence of extraterrestrials, entities from a parallel dimension, human souls which have died in this realm, or humans from some extraordinarily advanced future world. The otherworldly predictions were common among general users, too, with over 80% of DMT users in Strassmans study describing their encounters as more than reality.. In his book Archaic Revival . While doses of DMT result in the varying strength of a given trip, its been found that doses above 40mg often result in users reaching the so-called breakthrough, the point at which they transcend the human world and enter new realities complete with vivid hallucinations. In this video above I found a fascinating first-hand account of what happened to this young man in a DMT trip. Safe travels brother. I believe the 3 rules of don't worry should apply to your current situation. I am okay I just need to figure out if the elves are okay or if the energy they need can be provided through organic matter and if it is through organic matter, then I could possibly be a host that they can latch onto and then that wouldn't be good. Reports of machine elf apparitions have even been found amongst the Indigenous tribes of the Amazon Rainforest. It simply manifests itself in a different way. A classic example of what one can expect to see; only our standard perception does this description no justice. Machine Elves are actually Fallen Angels / Jinn / Demons !! Truth Fel magic (also called demonic magic, sacrificial magic, chaos energy or chaotic energy) is a destructive form of magic used by demons and members of the Burning Legion, and often by warlocks and demon hunters among the mortal races. there will always be a mix of experiences when experienced through the mind / inner eye That is to say, the person in the thralls of a DMT experience feels the same mentally, allowing the experimenter to keep who they are, only propelled into an entirely different reality. Theres always a lesson to be learned while taking dmt. I dont think labelling them as demons is a wise thing to do. Please read the rules before posting. In the 1970s, American ethnobotanist and author Terence McKenna coined the term machine elves to describe the otherworldly creatures that appear during trips on the psychedelic drug Dimethyltryptamine (more commonly known as DMT). Latest Shows. Entity contact with aliens typically coincides with experiences of being experimented on by probes, implants, or surgeries in futuristic settings. Guide to Machine Elves and Other DMT Entities. Meeting the machine elves is generally regarded as the textbook . scaly demons (conventionally reptilian in accord with the idea of the devil as dragon or serpent) and the gloriously pigmented, swift and airborne choir of . The existence of the machine elves was popularised in the psychedelic community by the teachings of the great lord Terence McKenna (RIP). While McKennas word put linguistic weight around these apparitions, reports of the phenomenon pre-date the terms invention and have continually sprung up since McKennas coining in the 70s. "YouTube machine elves and DMT, you will be amazed." This allows me to traverse the underworld and remember places in eternity should I ever wish to visit another realm. Read this piece to learn the best practices and elements of advice to keep your stuff fresh. Is there a problem? Is the DMT Experience a Hallucination? This includes being criticized, having mistakes analyzed, and told how to improve as a person. A friend of a friend abused DMT for awhile (well, treated it as a recreational fun drug instead of a psychonautical learning experience that deserves respect), and he kept ending up in the room with the elves. Dozens of these friendly fractal entities, looking like self-dribbling Faberge eggs on the rebound, had surrounded me and tried to teach me the lost language of true poetry. Nonetheless always confirm what life throws at you with and through the felt presence of direct experience. We just assume those ones dont wish to revile themselves;. In summary, Kent makes the argument that DMT entity contact and psychedelic visuals may be the result of chaotic visual patterns overlapped with images created from waking dreams. According to Strassman, the research subjects described contact with entities, beings, aliens, guides, and helpers. In any case, its important to note that DMT is an incredibly potent (and outright illegal) drug and should only be administered in the safest circumstances, if at all. Perhaps the psychedelics were used as part of psychological combat training. Well Im just playing with different possibilities, I suspect that if these elves are sufficiently spiritually advanced that they may also have recognized this indescribable truth and light of the cosmos, like the mystics and Buddhas of this world have done. "These entities take on many forms," says Thayer, "including animals, insects, angels, demons, family members, jesters, aliens, lights, spirits, fairies and amorphous beings. And they assured me that they loved me and they told me not to be amazed; not to give way to astonishment. What's especially interesting and downright weird is that unrelated users taking DMT in completely different surroundings all report similar experiences with the DMT entities, and scientists don't know why. Terence Mckenna believed in the independent existence of these entities, claiming the alternate realities form an ecology of souls within a raging universe of active intelligence that is transhuman, hyperdimensional, and extremely alien.. If you are evil, machine elves are evil. DMT is a "tryptamine" molecule that occurs naturally in many plants and animals but has been synthesized since the 1930s. I saw a chariot bring down a man who had 3 faces. Objects which looked like Faberg eggs from Mars morphing themselves with Mandaean alphabetical structures. Of course, there is no way to objectively verify this, given that the only data available is the subjective DMT experience. In the former elven realm of Arcorar (located in what became Cormanthyr), House Dlardrageth began summoning demons to produce half-fiend offspring in a bid to strengthen their bloodline and succeeded and were killed by other elves, who were enraged over this practice.. What Are DMT Machine Elves? 8 Theories Explained - Tripsitter Read to learn about the entities and visions behind DMT art. This ranges from the ancient shamanic traditions of Native Americans to indigenous Australian and African tribes. You say that meditation and psychedelics clear the mind so that these evil entities have an opportunity to enter and possess you, but what is better than a clear mind? It is a more perfect archetypal Logos. Through this medium, they may convey anything, indeed, complicated fractal objects with no chance of being conjured within the narrow bounds of imagination in consensus reality. Terence McKenna coined the term 'machine elves' to describe the apparent entities that are often reported by individuals using tryptamine-based psychedelic drugs, especially DMT. My partner and I have both experienced these machine elves several times. Check out our ultimate guide on DMT pricing to learn what to expect when purchasing DMT for your first time. Yep they are demons . Often, theyre seen as guides or helpers giving teaching lessons. Mayer found that 66% of them (226) referenced independently-existing entities that interact in an intelligent and intentional manner. These supra dimensional elves are sentient beings just like you, me, the dog barking, the cat meowing. You pass through a membrane of some sort, and youre in a place, , McKenna said in a lecture in the 90s. the one thing you need to avoid when fucking with psychedelics is the delusions. 8 hrs. In South America, indigenous people have used the powerful psychedelic drug ayahuasca as a hallucinogenic tea to alter brain activity for thousands of years. For the most part we get the feeling that they are like oh wow, someone can actually see us! And they will stay for hours at a time, 6.7. Here is everything you want to know about 5-Meo-DMT and how it compares to 4-AcO-DMT. . Most of the entities I've seen are regular looking people or an implied presence without a visible form. In light of reports like these, Strassman hypothesizes that endogenous DMT release from the pineal gland could account for alien abduction experiences. In purging himself of ego desire so he can see clearly, that which is the nature of his duty. Only we call them little tree people or woodland elves. Then another time, i played this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hNu6FmaUIB0 Basically almost had a cosmic orgasm where infinite number of entities Why would you go from playing deliverance to what appears to be a demonic summoning ? I will tell you though that they will do strange things with your camera. A deep-dive into the psychedelic entities known as 'Machine Elves' I copied and pasted this from the youtube videos page: For MONETIZATION: I have never taken psychedelics before I have just made this video for my actors reel and am acting as someone who has Because of this this video should be treated as a short film that includes dialogue about drug use and does not conflict with Youtube regulations. There are, however, marked similarities between experiences with machine elves and old folkloric accounts of elves and fairies. My knowledge is intrinsic and I move mountains with this faith. Written by Clyde Lewis. They taught the elites how to create advance technology to manipulate the matrix such as Googles Quantum Computer and the Mandela Effect. And that somehow I was getting a peek over the other side. The Gnostics called this ultimate reality the Invisible Virgin Spirit while mystics like Jacob Bhme called it the Ungrund, or the ground without an ground. If it were merely an illusion how could two people be seeing and hearing the same thing at eh exact same moment? Does the Human Brain Make DMT? Required fields are marked *. Understood this way, DMT allows us to peer into something real that is not normally accessible, but perhaps all around us. RAINBOW UMAMI: a Queer Club Remix Series: Celebrating Somewhere Sounds: Download Free Sample Packs, #MeToo background checks and no drinking: Beyonce's new ground rules for 'Renaissance' tour, Green is the new gold as science confirms looking at green reduces pain, 420 is the new five as Cannabis takes the lead in recreational use. Contact with all-powerful supreme beings or the source of all creation, The Godhead, is commonly reported in DMT trips. It was sort of a benchmark, you might say, and I remember that this friend of mine that always got there first visited me with this little glass pipe and this stuff which looked like orange mothballs. The ontological status of DMT entities has been debated by scientists, philosophers, theologians, and psychonauts for decades. Signs are from God. Well, then they are intelligent as well. They commonly urge the DMT realm visitors to try to focus on what they are showing them, or even want the subject to imitate what they are doing. DMT Art and the Entities of Hyperspace - Kahpi Most people who are conditioned under todays materialistic paradigm would probably argue for the latter, i.e. Is it a deterministic perspective? Guide to Machine Elves and Other DMT Entities But now I think they are after my energy. David S. Soriano/Wikimedia Commons/(CC BY-SA 4.0), Users Report Seeing 'DMT Entities' or 'Machine Elves', Timothy Leary, William Burroughs and Terence McKenna. Ive always thought this. Something I found fascinating was the entities which people encountered often became less friendly as time went on. I'm going to ask them this stuff should I encounter them. Literally read it like 5 times just to soak in what youre saying. Bloodthirst is relative. Psychedelics Machine elves are hyper-dimesional sentient beings that love to play with whomever they can play with in their realm. Like 3 massively long posts in a few minutes about totally different things. Machine elf interactions are also commonly described in terms of visual language, where things heard become things seena sort of geometric hyperspace synesthesia. Science still has not provided an answer to that question. My last experience (I kept this up every time I woke up last night) was with smiling faced fractals. In addition to having startling psychoactive properties that have been likened into a full-throttle blast from the mind's cannon and into a colorful, altered hyperspace, there are a number of unique aspects about the substance that make it far more peculiar than most psychedelic substances . Many psychonauts who have experienced the DMT realm and its inhabitants first-hand believe machine elves are real but inhabit another dimension, a plane of existence only accessible through DMT or other altered states. N,N-Dimethyltryptamine - Wikipedia Press J to jump to the feed. What Are DMT Elves And Why Do So Many People See Them? I left has this giant blue head entered the room I remember the fear the gripped my body . DMT Research from 1956 to the Edge of TimeFrom a representative sample of a suitably psychedelic crowd, youd be hard pressed to find someone who couldnt tell you all about Albert Hofmanns enchanted bicycle ride after swallowing what turned out to be a massive dose of LSD. Interestingly, the DMT entities appear sentient and autonomous in their behavior, as if denizens of a free-standing, independent reality. It sounds so intense. DMT for Depression: Paving the Way for New MedicineWeve been waiting for an effective depression treatment. They have opened doors, sliders, cabinets, etc. Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete". Machine Elves, Clockwork Elves, or DMT Elves are a presence or entity commonly associated with taking the hallucinogen Dimethyltryptamine (DMT.) DMT Entities | Doctrine of Demons | Machine Elves | New Age Spirituality | Jesus has the Authority #newage #dmt #jesus If you'd like to support my channel you can by becoming a member here on. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Oh damn, back into the rabbit hole arent we. Fel - Wowpedia - Your wiki guide to the World of Warcraft Head here for a, Purafied VU Compressor: 4 of the Most Sought-After Units in 1 Plugin, Neil Diamond breaks retirement with surprise Sweet Caroline performance. Self explanatory when you have knowledge. But its the commonality of similar visual descriptions, coupled with McKennas research into the topic, that makes users experiences with machine elves feel intentional, piquing the interest of psychonauts and scientists the world over. These are the spirits that we work with. Having Sex on DMT: What You Need to KnowHave you ever wondered about sex on DMT? so lets say deemz beings are "gods" if you were in that position wouldn't you be pretty mad when religion and "god" is brought up?