Can I please sleep with you? (Lincoln then continued to work on more animations on MechaGodzilla, Gigan, Hedorah and Angurius, it only took him about thirty minutes to finish up MechaGodzilla's animation, then another thirty minutes to work on Gigan, he tested both of them and worked perfectly, he wanted to work on Anguirus' and Hedorah's animation next, but at exactly thirty minutes after five, Vanzilla pulled up and the entire family came home, when Rita opened the door, all of the sisters even their father were in a big surprise to see their eldest sister). I remembered hearing about the show when Ember Reviews talked about it a few years ago on his YouTube channel. So I am coming home for the weekend, Luna says she got band practice for the weekend so she can play for the talent show so she won't be able to help you, and I did tell Mom that I was coming home to get you and help you with your project, oh and I did tell Mom to take our dad and siblings over to Aunt Ruth's for the weekend as well because you know how Dad is with me coming back home, and it's total chaos with so many sisters climbing up to me. Ms. Merdich: >rolling eyes< Just what we need, another superhero freak, no offense mate, but I'm not that crazy about superheroes. - Lana was confused - Why do you change your mind now? The New Loud House Fanfic - Lincoln Leaves Lincoln: Sweet, I knew I had the right idea to add these characters in. (The Librarian showed them to the scanner, they fired up the laptop, and connected it to the scanner, but in no time at all, all of the breath effects are in the file on the flash driver, they then exited the Library and left for home, back at The Loud House, they continued to put together Hedorah, Gigan and MechaGodzilla, and at last, all of the characters are pasted together). Ms. Merdich: >to Lincoln, Well mate, I'm glad you asked, the project is due next friday, you need to work hard on your project with at least two more steps, and then you can test out your game, I know it will take you at least three weeks but it's worth all the hard work, maybe making videogames will be a start on your career. Lincoln: >giggles< Haha, got you back big sis, I'll have Hawaiian for my half. As he walked home by himself, since Clyde was working on his science project, Lincoln looked up and saw how clear the sky was, with not a single cloud. Lincoln: Lori, what are you doing picking me up from school today? Lincoln and Lynn went up to Lola and Lena's room. (Lincoln even had an idea for which characters he wants to add for his game, he thought he could add at least eight). Nolan and my character will also be part of this. Ms. Merdich: Well, I thought maybe I could give them a jumpstart on their future career one day as a future game programmer and designer. - Lola, Lana and Lincoln commented simultanously, - Finally! Lincoln: I'm sorry Ms. Merdich, I have been coming up with these ideas since last night. Lincoln took the bunny and started to calm down. The family took her in and raised her as one of their own. (Lincoln looked and noticed that there is a "Monster Burper" that he wanted to try out), (Lincoln nods his head, Lori then rolls her eyes). (Back at The Loud House during night time, Lincoln was ready for bed, he puts on his pajamas and starts reading the latest issue of his Ace Savvy comic, he couldn't stop thinking about making the game that he wanted to do, after all he is an Ace Savvy fan, but if someone already has a plan to do an Ace Savvy game, he could do either an A.R.G.G.H! YEAH! Lori: Well, come on then, Carol's waiting for the scanner. Luna: Okay, then>gets an idea< How about you do a Godzilla fighting game? Lincoln removed a white glove from his right hand and puffed, scattering a white powder. - Lincoln said enjoying being rubbed by Luna. theloudhouse # 9 Loud in Amphibia (Book 1) by Dark-user12 1K 24 5 Lincoln Loud, a boy who was told he was back luck and it ended badly as he was kicked out by his family, hated and bullied by some of his classmates. Ms. Merdich: Listen up class, it's time we pull out our history books and learn about the history about ancient China, turn to page three hundred and six and go to Chapter Seven lesson one. Lincoln: I got to do some backgrounds for levels, sounds for the characters, and I got to add music. Lincoln: >annoyed< Great, now it's a Bolhofner MechaGodzilla. She closed door loudly, what took Lola's attention and angry glare. My dads are taking me to the Green Museum. : >offscreen, to Riley, annoyed< I don't think you have what it takes to be a programmer, because you would never pull it off on my watch. - Why do you this after all? 2. Lola: Thank you, >hug him< you are the best brother ever. Loud Light - True that! Oh Boy, my favorite. Ms. Merdich: >to Riley< Good on ye mate, >to class< now if I multiply six point nine by eight point seven, what would be my total rating? (Lori checks on the pizza menu on her phone to see what was on the menu, she checked on today's specials, it was on a Friday and she said to Lincoln). Upload stories, poems, character descriptions & more. Lana took a rubber ball from her bag and throwed it on floor. Lincoln: Yeah, a Godzilla fighting game, that's a great idea Luna, Why didn't I think of it before in the first place? 1 Lori and Bobby's Distracting Make Out Really? Lincoln walked downstairs, not paying attention, heck not even noticing when Lynn pantsed him and him walking out of his pants. - I have a salve for bruises in my bag. "Growing Up Creepie" was created by Anthony Gaud, Chris Woods, and Carin Greenberg. If I went further, I would have hated myself for hurting someone I love. Lincoln using his brain, gadgets and traps against Lynn's strength was inspired by fight between Batman and Superman. Luan: I tried to do a game about Mr. Coconuts, but it wasn't too fun to do, so I also got an F on it after doing six levels and beating six bosses. Lincoln: It's fine you guys, at least I have that nice substitute, who knows how long that will last. (As the finger missiles were locked and loaded on Lincoln, a shot of Godzilla Lori's breath hit the robotic head, she brabbed the head and tore it off, the robot was no longer fnctional, then Chandler Ghidorah was about to strike Godzilla Lori, but she grabs all three of the head, and tied them up into a pretzel, then she lifts him and tosses it to Mothra Leni, who also tosses it to Rodan Luna, then she tosses to Godzilla Lori, with a swing of her tail, Chandler Ghidorah was thrown back in space not soon after blasting her atomic breath at him, Luan and Lincoln cheered them on after a victory, in the real world, Lincoln was cheering in his sleep, Lori then wakes him up, she succeeds). Lori: Now then, let's get busy with the drawings, first you need body parts of the creatures you need to draw, be sure to add the head, jaw, neck, arm, hand, leg, feet, tail, torso, waist and sometimes the wings, so first, pick a picture that you like from your phone. The Loud House Fanon Wikia is a FANDOM TV Community. The Loud House Fanfic #6-Report Lincoln - DeviantArt - Luna observed -You're lucky to have less bruises than Lynn. Can I join you? - Onion powder?! They narrate the story by changing each image. (It starts with Lincoln in The Loud House as he is getting ready for school as if he isn't ready to go to school while he puts on his clothes). (Lincoln then inserts the flash drive on the computer and the shortcut pops up, Lincoln double clicks on it and the game starts loading, then the Godzilla theme starts playing, and then the menu pops up offscreen they were all amazed on what Lincoln had done with oo's and aa's, the family started to comment on Lincoln's game, it laters zooms out to the Loud House where everyone was proud of Lincoln's hard work on his game, four days later, the day had finally come, Lincoln was fully prepared, he got his backpack ready, and his flashdrive in his backpack, it then cuts to the school bus where Lincoln is sitting next to Clyde, as he tells everything on how it will go). (And that is what Lincoln did, he continued to draw each head and jaw for each character he wanted to add for his game, then, he continues to mimic each body part as based on the picture, it was a lot of work but he knew that he had to do it, hour after hour, he has drawn every head, jaw, neck, torso and waist, he still needs to add the arms, hands, legs and feet for each character that walked, he had to add some extra features, such as the dorsal plates for Godzilla, spikes for Anguiurs, the crests and horns for Rodan, King Ghidorah and Gigan, and the metal back plates for MechaGodzilla, it was about 7:00 in the evening and they both know that they haven't had dinner, Lincoln stopped and he wanted to go to the kitchen to try and cook something, but Lori stopped him). The Loud House: Bad Blood By: Tyzuma A few years have passed since Luna and Lincoln were turned into vampires. (The entire class raised their hands as they are all eager to present their game). Lana, please, don't make same mistakes I did, don't suffer for my recklessness. Rita: Wow, looks like your luck has turned around, sorry you have to be in a classroom with him. Ms. Merdich: >to Lincoln< Thanks mate, >looks at board< You must be Lincoln Loud, nice to meet ye. Rob Paulson: >squawk< He's lying, he said >copies chandler< "More like Lamezilla if you ask me"! (Lincoln and his classmates learned all about the history of China, all day long he kept reading his text book and started taking notes, then it goes to near the end of the school day where Ms. Merdich was finished reading a few chapters of "Hatchet", she then puts the book down). His eyes drifted away from the ceiling and around his small room, looking for something to pique his interest. - Lynn, you should have told me. - Flashback: Lincoln is on Luan's business phone while she lies on her bed. I have enough of this. Lincoln then woke up in his bedroom with Lori. Luna: I'll go first, I hadband practice and I thought we were going to have a great time, and we have practiced all day and we are getting better and ready for the battle of the bands. Lori: It's a good thing>grunting while lifting a scanner< Carol let me borrow her scannerfor the weekend untilyou'redone! (Later it cuts to Ms. Merdich giving the final grades to the students of Mr. Bolhofner's class). The Loud parents and Sisters gain powers from one of Lisa's experiments blowing up, Lincoln was away on a trip with Clyde, so while his family became heroes like many ot. Check out Ace Savvy Strikes Back or Love Is Loud Sometimes. The Luck of the Louds | The Loud House Fanon Wikia | Fandom She kept punching and kicking him like a training mannequin. Before Lincoln takes off, he takes one last look at the house) Lincoln: Goodbye. Clyde: I'm so sorry to hear that, say would you like to-- Lincoln: >to Ronnie Anne, interrupts Clyde< Have a tour of our school before the bell rings? Me and my dad worked so hard on it. Ms. Merdich: >to Rob Paulsen< Thank you Robbie, >to Lincoln< Sorry about that Lincoln, I'll take care of him, now go back to your seat. Are you going to suffer with Mr. Bolhofner now that you don't have that same sub anymore? - Lana said - Lola is very similar to Zuko's sister. - Lynn said to Lincoln - Besides now I know you know how to deal with bullies even if you should without gadgets and traps. (Lincoln wakes up and find the hallway is quiet. Mr. Grouse: Sorry boys, but hard pass, not even your dad's Lasagna would help conveince me? (At the school bus, Lincoln was talking to his friends). Lori: So it'll be just the two of us, I'll be in charge of you until Sunday night when I go back to Fairway. Lynn Sr.: >offscreen< Kids, dinner, it's Meatball Monday! Rita and Lynn Loud Sr have 5 daughters. The Loud House Fanfic #19-Lincoln's Game - DeviantArt I think I have an itchy trigger finger that needs to be fixed. Stella: Sorry Lincoln, but not all of us don't have that expierence in this before. - Lynn said - How were you immune for pain when I was hitting you? After the show was done playing and Lincoln was hyped. Lincoln Loud's Loud House Survival Guide Chapter 1: A Normal Day, a (The door opened and the new substitute was). - Lincoln asked. Principal Ramirez: And speaking of projects, don't your students have something to share? - That Lola. Find out what other deviants think - about anything at all. - And you did nothing? - Don't come any closer, monster! Lincoln: >to Zach< That's pretty cool, glad you did all this, I was having trouble myself. Lincoln: You were nice to me before, Why do you want to be back to being a meaner sister to me again? - Of course I would involve but good I didn't have to as all the problems were solved by yourselves. Lincoln: >in thought< I think I should start by adding the big five Godzilla monsters with Godzilla, Rodan, Mothra, King Ghidorah and MechaGodzilla, but what about the other three? - Lincoln explained. Both were fun, solid shows. Lori: Well, I think we should get some Macaroni and Spinach pizza with Brussel sprouts. - Lincoln fell on knees in pain - The morphine stopped working! Mr. Grouse: >to Lincoln< Good luck with you're game Loud, i hope you'll be a big hit! - asked Luna shocked - How did you get this? Rita: Whoa whoa whoa kids, settle down, one at a time! "Lori why do you seem so tense and nervous," Lincoln asked. Lincoln: Sister, I think you just read my mind. Outside there is a white haired boy sitting in his pajamas and he was crying by the looks of it. Bad Luck Chapter 1, a loud house fanfic | FanFiction Australian teacher: >to Lincoln< That's right mate, only for the time being, >to class< Crikey, excuse me mates, Where are my manners? Leni: >to Lincoln< Yeah, you are like totes popular with your game now. Check, Polo? When he stood up she stroke him again. Ms. Merdich: >to Lincoln< Beauty Lincoln, I think you are getting the hang of it, and you've even colored in, how wonderful mate, for that, I'll give you one hundred points, nice job Lincoln. Clyde: Unless if Lori comes back to help you again. "Yami Shibai" is a horror anthology series. Mr. Grouse: Hello class, I'm your new substitute teacher Mr. Grouse >to Lincoln< Oh hey Loud! Zach: Wow, you are going to be extra busy. (Luna leaves Lori's room and goes to Lincoln's, she knocked on his door; In his room, he's depressed and/or miserable at this revelation) LINCOLN: It's open. - Dumb question. - Lynn cried more - I am so sorry. Lincoln: I guess you do have a point, I have been working on those since Lori left and-- >checks the clock on his laptop, it was 9:42 pm< Oh my gosh Luna, I need to hit the hay, goodnight Luna! (Lynn was heartbroken on the inside that without her aggressiveness, she no longer had the instinct to step in and abuse Lincoln for what he said about her because she kept her promise, she sat down by the dining room table in depression, her father just stepped in noticing that something was wrong with Lynn, he sat next to her) Chandler: I got a good idea for a game, I'm going to makeAce Savvy! I hardly found Trustworthy to be the worst of Yoshi's fics. You shouldn't have done that ever. Ronnie Anne close her eyes and went to sleep. (After Ms. Merdich writes Chandler's name on the board, she then begins the lesson). Lori: >interrupts Lincoln< No, don't apologize, I'm not mad at you, I'm just annoyed, you wanted something, I'll get it for you, no big deal.
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