You know very well how humble you were during the days you wanted to be the leader of the Trojan expedition. Messenger No, my lady! Klytaimestra You have the impudence to ask me that? 1440. Daughter of Tyndareus! Let our friends here see how happy you make me. Cry! London: J.M. Why should I, a faithful wife, endure the misery of having my daughter killed while she, a slut, gets to rejoice by having her daughter kept safely at home, in Sparta? No man is blessed or happy for ever. Checking out the situation carefully. Iphigenia hoped for but now lacks, and which the chorus explicitly offers as a measure of Iphigenia's cruel fate: she should not be a sacrificial animal but a bride for kings (1085 ff.). This breath that quieted the breezes in the Greek sails! First Chorus Atreas son, Menelaos, brought with him fromMycenae, the city built by the Cyclopes, one hundred ships and all the sailors to man them. Did they not side with you? Klytaimestra Really? Klytaimestra Thats not what the laws of the custom say. Euripides died before completing this late masterpiece and it was prepared for its enthusiastically received first performance by his son or nephew. 1500. Where did you catch him? They cry when they wish and speak their mind freely, something which a leader cannot do: its undignified, its an insult to the splendour of his position and his whole life is controlled by it. We also let the horses loose to drink and to graze at a meadow nearby. Your father, my lord, Atreas, didnt bring you into this world so that you may taste only its pleasures, my lord. No tomb, no tombstone! Dire to me because it brought about my death. No mother, no father. The strength of the minor characters in Agamemnon distinguishes this play from a number of Aeschylus' other works. What is a prophet? 773. Iphigenia in Aulis is an Ancient Greek play written by Euripides. Menelaos Brother, give me your right arm! 1460. Menelaos Not if he dies first. 550. First Chorus And it is a great thing to follow the footprints of virtue like a hunter follows the footprints of his prey. What a lusty fervour the whole ofGreecehas stirred up for this expedition! Klytaimestra You, alone? Gone are the harsh words, suddenly! You, Paris, you son of Priam! Chorus There goes the girl wholl soon stain the altar of the murderous goddess with the gushing blood of her beautiful throat! You win, I cry. Chorus Let Agamemnon place a crown upon the head of Greece and let him be crowned in turn! Achilles My lady, I have never proposed to your daughter Atreas sons have never talked to me about a marriage! I shall think of nothing else but you from now on. Achilles Her father had promised her to me! Your own father has slaughtered you with his own hand! Klytaimestra And the feast for us women? Happy noises of incoming royal procession, including horses and chariot are heard within, Stage Left. Old Man In all other things, no, my lady. Vile trickery, unworthy of his father, Atreas! Agamemnon Achilles is acting in name only and not in deed. My daughters life hangs on your will. 128. Were working on it right now. Weddings are blessed things but still very tough on the hearts of the brides parents. Gone! Iphigeneias scream of grief is suddenly heard from within the tent. And I shall here where the groom is, I shall. Agamemmnon's fleet is stranded by bad weather in the bay of Aulis and his troops are growing mutinous. Klytaimestra Hes an evil man, my husband. 1250. line to jump to another position: The Annenberg CPB/Project provided support for entering this text. He was her lord. Go! Old Man No, madam! I must go. 1020. Iphigeneia Of course. First Chorus We saw him, racing in full armour upon the shells of the shore, in a contest against a chariot pulled by a team of four horses, a contest out of which he came victorious. Here comes Agamemnon! Ah, but this impudence of yours will miss its mark! So, we have all gathered here and here we are still, tied down by the weather! Shes about to be slaughtered by the hand of her own father! A nanny is holding the baby Orestes in her arms. Summary. Iphigenia in Aulis (a.k.a. Youll be standing right there at the altar. Iphigenia at Aulis (the title is sometimes rendered as Iphigenia in Aulis) has been criticised for its melodrama, but its portrayal of the central character's decision to agree to renounce her life for the 'greater good', and Agamemnon's ambivalence about sacrificing his own daughter, make it a curious and satisfying play which repays close analysis . After all, what is it exactly that I want? How can I insult all those countless brave warriors and their shields, all those myriads of men, clasping hard at the oars men with courage enough to attack our enemy and die for our country, to clear her name? 500. I shall speak clearly for you. Chorus There goes the destroyer of Troy and her people! line to jump to another position: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License, Pleiades ancient places geospacial dataset for this text,,,, What a terrible shame! The barbarian blood of the sons of Atreas, of your husband, madam and that of his brother, if either of them snatches your daughter from my hands! Menelaos And you should not be bringing so much trouble to the Greeks! She was the Queen of the gods. Me, father! Id only be speaking lies and Id be adding disgrace to my miserable Fate! 730. Only fools would pray to go down there. Here she is but Ill do the talking for both of us. (A father's conduct here I blame), A joyless victim bred; When o'er the strand of Aulis, in the pride. He married Thetis, Nereus daughter. Iphigenia at Aulis Cast of Characters: Calchas, an augur Agamemnon, King of Argos Attendant, an old man Menelaus, brother to Agamemnon Clytemnestra, wife of Agamemnon Iphigenia, daughter to Clytemnestra and Agamemnon Achilles, a warrior Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt Messenger Chorus of Women of Chalcis Attendants to Clytemnestra Ill now stand by you and so I advise you not to kill your daughter or put my own interests before yours. Abominable creature! I am here, madam, as I will be in Troy also, to defend with my shield and with my spear my honour as a man and to do my best to glorify the god of war, Ares. How I wish he never lived at that meadow where all the flowers bloomed: roses and hyacinths, all those flowers that the goddesses plucked. Dawns light is already being taken over by the fire of the Suns brilliant chariot! What does my life have to do with the marriage of Paris and Helen father? Chorus Even though you were not raised among the sounds of the shepherds flute, even though you were raised, instead, by your mothers side, raised to be adorned one day as a bride to one of Iachus descendants, you, my young girl, will be dragged down like a spotted deer, or like a young heifer is dragged down from some rocky mountains cave, dragged down there to the goddess altar. Dent & Sons, 1920. Klytaimestra What shall I tell your little sisters? Not mine, thats for sure. Agamemnon The entire Greek army, Menelaos! Awful! I told her to bring our daughter here so that she may marry Achilles. 150. Do you not care about me any more? But in an emotional solo scene, she has a vision of the sacrifice. A good man, my brother, must not change his manner just because his life is going well. My sacrifice will bring about a victory for the Greeks and secure their safety. In the beginning of the play, Agamemnon . I, the destroyer of Priams city and its people! You, girls! Iphigeneia Father! 260. Its blood spattered about, saturating the goddess altar! Achilles Weighty words, old man! 670. Enter Second Chorus of men and women, Attendants of Klytaimestra, Second Chorus Indicating behind the curtains (Stage Left) 590. How much suffering, how much pain has Helen, Tyndareus daughter, brought upon us, upon the children of Danaus! Let them all see which one should be sacrificed. Do not send our daughter here, inAulis, the place whose harbours are well protected from the harsh seas and which juts out towardsColchis. Klytaimestra I hear you, I hear you! Agamemnon, her father will sacrifice her to the goddess Artemis. The Greek army is getting ready to sail. I shall do as you say. One of his servants go and tell him that Achilles, Peleas son is here, waiting for him, at the entrance of his tent! Iphigeneia Yes, mother, please let me run to him before you do. Iphigenia in Aulis has been added to your Cart . Go away old man! I have left Pharsalia and Peleas, my father, to come here. Perseus provides credit for all accepted My own heart aches more for poor Hellas than for you because Hellas was about to achieve something great against the barbarians when you and your daughter stopped her; and now these insignificant barbarians will be allowed to go free! On my part, I wish you all happiness and may you return to the land of your fathers victorious. Before the play begins: The background of Iphigeneia at Aulis is the Trojan War. Of all of my children, you, Iphigeneia, have always loved your father the most! Klytaimestra But it is rightfully yours, Achilles! Stop waiting for those indecisive sons of Atreas to tell you what to do. Agamemnon! 1121. Can you see what the goddess has placed upon her altar? Do you hear them, Helen? For a moment a great deal of shouting by men is heard behind the curtains. Im lost! A kiss to remember you by in the underworld, since my words have not convinced you. 1300. Agamemnon And dont waste any time hanging about some watering hole in the woods and dont fall victim to the magic of sleep! Iphigeneia Pelasgia! Old Man Yes, my lady and so, I am more loyal to you than I am to your husband. She is a loving mother, and when her husband orders to kill their daughter, she bears a deep grudge against hi, and vows to take vengeance . I have my army, the famous Myrmidons, wasting their time hanging about the quiet waters ofEpirus, getting angrier and more impatient by the minute. This last one, Helen, had received the most famous, the greatest sons of the whole ofHellasas her suitors ferocious threats of murder were uttered by those who had missed out on her. Agamemnon Make sure you dont break the seal of the scroll! Enough! Promise me, mummy! Youre the son of a god and I am a mere mortal! Im coming, my lord Im coming! Please refer to our Privacy Policy. Here, take it now and carry it over toArgos. Perhaps were both being deceived. Tell me Agamemnon! Klytaimestra And he will achieve this by trickery. Im leaving for another world! Or else, we might as well call Mount Sipylus, the Asian city where his barbarous ancestors came from a great city and wipe out of our mind the name of Phthia! Dying for a marriage about which her lunatic suitors swore Tyndareus oaths. However, when Agamemnon breaks down in tears, Menelaus relents. 666 words. Klytaimestra! 510. Klytaimestra Stop your shouting. I know too well that this awful plight is mine and mine alone you have nothing to do with it 980. Help us! Iphigenia is told that she must prepare for her new life, and that she will be quite alone, far from her parents and home (666, 669). Ill have none of it! Old Man The army is heading to Troy, my lady. Achilles Yes, it would have been some gods blessing had I married you, daughter of Agamemnon!
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