Students examine how freed people in the United States sought to define freedom after Emancipation. The name of the tragic mythological Trojan princess who was given the gift of prophecy by Apollo, but was condemned never to be believed, Cassandra has been used for striking characters in movies and soap operas. Former slaves often used surnames names of historical figures such as Washington, Jefferson or Jackson. Slave Ship Manifests filed at New Orleans, 1807-1860 | National Archives You can also look up Charleston Manifests by Slave Owner These records are also available through the National Archives Catalog (National Archives Identifier 2767350). My father once told me his grandfather ran away from the Carrington place and changed his name to Williams. These require Microsoft Word and a Windows platform. Tell me the name you were called before you met Phillip Fry? EDHASA, 2006, 359 pages, (. If the former slave had been befriended or assisted in getting established after the Civil War, they might have taken that person's name. Almost every major tome on slavery discusses slave naming practices in some form or fashion. 2023 The Voice of the Black Community in California. They identified 21 distinctly Black male names, among them biblical classics such as Abraham and Moses, and word names including Freeman and Prince. Farley, (English Origin) Victorian-era last names meaning "fern woodland". Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts South Atlantic Creole Archipelagos We had to register as someone, so we could be citizens. That is why you will find a lot of families in Louisiana with surnames like Baptiste, Narcisse, Jean-Louis, Nanette-Louise, Rene, Jacques etc Ive come across very few former slaves and fpoc using the surnames of their former owner. He was a planter with 20,000 acres of land in East Florida and was at the forefront of slavery in The . In addition to time and place, a likely variable is whether the birth rate, in a severely overworked and maltreated population, was sufficient to ensure a relatively stable population over several generations, or whether the high mortality associated with slavery led to declining numbers and hence to the frequent acquisition of new slaves. I am the identical person who was named called and known as Dick Lewis Smith before the Civil War and during the Civil War and until I returned home after my military service . If a surname was needed, the slave owners family name might be used. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Popular English baby names by decade - 1840s - 1990s 1840s 5 Robert - 53 Margaret - 47 The 1860s first saw the Rimmers' use of 1870s Boys Girls Total registered births - 1,944 1 John - 160 Mary - 151 The 1870s first saw the Rimmers' use of What was the first girl's name in the 1900s? They cut it off from OCTAVIA. American Slave Owners - geni family tree Former slaves often made up surnames based on their occupations. 6. Now, that parents surname could very well be the surname of the most recent slaveholder or an earlier slaveholder. Edited by Gabriele vom Bruck and Barbara Bodenhorn, 178199. Enslaved people resisted in ways large and small. The quote below, from a Southern Claims Commission file, is one of the most powerful and one of my favorites to use in lectures: I enlisted under Ross because that was my fathers name. Ref. Dear Robyn, 400 Catchy Slave Names That You Will Like - Worth Start The practice was common until its abolition in 1865 with the end of the Civil War and the ratification of the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution.. For the time being, we are using this as the Slavery Plantation umbrella or portal. Early African-American Names | Nameberry I am searching for information about a woman named Eliza Ellis, from Versailles KY or that area. Archambeau. CLARKE - The name comes from 'clerk, a clergyman, a scholar, one who can read and write' and is most prevalent in England, where some 89,337 people are recorded with this surname. Ebba: One of the more unique girl names from the 1800s. I would also recommend Elizabeth Shown Mills various case studies on enslaved people in Louisiana, which you can find at her website at Brutus) and a private name (e.g. You can find many more examples of the above in my post, The Mind of the Slaveowner. An enslaved child sold away from their parents at a young age to the Deep South would probably have a different sense of naming than enslaved children who were able to grow up in the presence of their parents and extended family. A. Mr. Thomas Jefferson of Louisville, bought me when I was three years of age from Mr. Dearing. For personal use and not for further distribution. Baby Name Generator. Alfred Francis Russell (1817-1884), 10th President of Liberia. In another case Sukey Ann and he 4 children were manumitted by their Ashby owner with only their first names. I am a farmer. Were there any famous slaves? 1850 US Census Name Frequencies - . The poster on each page *provides the link to the handout* for that lecture, so be sure to copy it. I also meant to email you and tell you how I enjoyed your article in the last NGSQ. Thomas Black Cobbs was owned by a small slave owner Catherine Black. Lastly,emancipation itself often provoked many to choose new surnames, one of the few actual freedoms freedmen had. In order to receive their pensions decades later, these former soldiers and their family members had to demonstrate to the government that they were who they claimed to be. This may reveal your family used the surname of the slave owners wifes family. This database is a compilation of information on over four thousand slaves from Louisiana who were involved in manumission (the formal emancipation from slavery) between 1719 and 1820. Geographic names were common, as were the names of ships or distant ports for enslaved peopleborn in places such as Wilmington or New Bern. Facing History & Ourselves, "Changing Names," last updated May 12, 2020. Hi Jann, In my own family history, on my Yarborough side, I believe I have uncovered a pattern that my formerly-enslaved great-grandparents, Calvin and Precilla YARBOROUGH may have used in naming their children. 1760-1810 Persons declared to be "white by law" or "free" (part 1), (part 2) at Jamaican Family Search Genealogy Research Library. I first wrote about this in this 2009 post:, And,then, more recently in 2013, here: 100 Victorian Last Names With Meanings And History | Kidadl Thank you for commenting, and continued luck to you in your research. All of them are alive in this moment. I am not able to find any slaveholders in the Versailes area by the name of Ellis. One of the largest sources are the Civil War pension records of the almost 200,000 black men who served in the US Army and Navy. I was bornthe child of Phillis Houston, slave of Sol Smith. The surname issue really presents huge challenges for those of us doign this research, but you soulnd as though you are making headway. Who called you by that name and where was it done? Expand or collapse the "in this article" section, Slave Names and Naming in the Anglophone Atlantic, Slave Names on Emancipation and after Slavery, Expand or collapse the "related articles" section, Expand or collapse the "forthcoming articles" section, African Retailers and Small Artisans in the Atlantic World, Alexander von Humboldt and Transatlantic Studies, Atlantic New Orleans: 18th and 19th Centuries, Black Atlantic in the Age of Revolutions, The, Chinese Indentured Servitude in the Atlantic World, Cities and Urbanization in Portuguese America, Colonial Governance in the Atlantic World, Comparative Indigenous History of the Americas, Criminal Transportation in the Atlantic World, Domestic Production and Consumption in the Atlantic World, Economy and Consumption in the Atlantic World. Smith.). This lifelong quest has helped me to better know my familys past. Trinidad and Tobago Slavery FamilySearch And please do share posts that interest you. In 2001, I began a process of transcribing names of some of the largest slaveholders and matching the surnames with numbers of African Americans on the 1870 . Who called you by that name and where was it done? Robinson: A patronymic of the name Robin. I worked for him as nurse for his children, and my full and correct name was OCTAVIA, but the family could not catch on to that long name and called me LOTTIE for short. Brown: A common last name derived from an ancestor's complexion or the color of their hair. I have been a researcher, writer, and lecturer for over twenty-five years. I just cannot imagine (thankfully) the idea of my name being changed with every new owner, with not having any idea of what my parents surnames were, of having a white father but not being able to have a father/child relationship with himand all the other myriad of circumstances that enslaved people faced. 5. There has been disagreement about whether it was slaveholders or the enslaved who gave the recorded names. Manifests - Alphabetical by Slave Names Return to Slave Manifests main page Click on each Slave name to view information on that voyage. Political Participation in the Nineteenth Century Atlantic Portugal and Brazile in the Age of Revolutions, Poverty in the Early Modern English Atlantic, Reconstruction, Democracy, and United States Imperialism, Settlement and Region in British America, 1607-1763, Slavery in British and American Literature, Slavery in Dutch America and the West Indies, Slavery in North America, The Growth and Decline of. "Albumen print of enslaved women and their children near Alexandria, Virginia." The Washingtons of Wessyngton Plantation: Stories of My Familys Journey to Freedom, A Thank You Letter from Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, Plantation Records Key Link to African American Past . I also have a Slavery and Freedom Collection available for $20. This is such a well-written and informative post one that I know will open many eyes to the complexity of slave surnames, as well as many other aspects of the lives of the enslaved. A 2nd great grandmother for example was baptised Sarah Charlotte Chase; her mother is recorded as being Ann Lewis Chase. Index by slave owner's name | Surname unknown or illegible. Slave Names | NCpedia Names from the Bible were another common practice, for given and surnames. To date there are no book-length studies covering the naming of slaves across the Anglophone Atlantic, but Burton 1999 and Kaplan and Bernays 1997 provide useful entry-level discussions for the Caribbean and mainland United States, respectively. . Thanks for writing this post! Slavery - The National Archives Clark is a common surname of Anglo-Scottish origin. This article is from the Encyclopedia of North Carolina edited by William S. Powell. 40. On another branch, members of the Griffin family from around Campbell County VA all stuck together and are believed to have kept family bonds & name of their father after Emancipation. 1. Ethereal and delicate, Cassandra was in the Top 70 throughout the 1990s but is now descending in popularity. Harriet Tubman and some of the slaves she helped free. Slave name index - This blog is where I share family history methods, resources, tips and advice, with an emphasis on slave research, slavery and its aftermath. Plus, Jonah comes with a ready-made nursery-decorating motif. Phone: 314-994-3300, Hours & Locations Comments/Suggestions314-994-3300, Copyright 2023. The different spellings are due to the non-consistent spelling rules in Norway in the 1700s and 1800s. The following is a list of historical people who were enslaved at some point during their lives, in alphabetical order by first name. In 1870, he is listed as John Washington. Slavery in America was the legal institution of enslaving human beings, mainly Africans and African Americans. Thank you as always, your posts are so helpful. It was after emancipation on that I went back to work for Col. Morrow and where I got the name "Lottie," as already explained. This financial assistance was available to all Civil War veterans and their families. Slavery was coexistent with the founding in 1670 of the first permanent colony in South Carolina, and early official records occasionally contain the names of slaves.3 An inventory of the estate of Francis Jones in 1693 lists 'a negro man Jack' and 'a negro Woman name Jugg.'4 An inventory of the ", "Happiness is having a large, loving, caring, close-knit family in another city;)", "Where does the family start? The three databases below provide details of 36,000 trans-Atlantic slave voyages, 10,000 intra-American ventures, names and personal information. In his pension file, my great great grandmother his widow expressed that he chose his former enslaver surname because his father had been enslaved by them, too. On the 30 rolls of NARA Microfilm Publication M1895, Slave Manifests of Coastwise Vessels Filed at New Orleans, Louisiana, 1807-1860 (30 rolls), are reproduced manifests filed with the collector of customs at New Orleans, Louisiana, of slaves transported in coastwise trade to or from New Orleans during the period 1807-1860. In Greek mythology, Daphne was the nymph daughter of Peneus, a river god. In these cases, unless the name change had been passed down in the family by oral history, it would be impossible to trace the family back any further. Place names that were disproportionately popular among Black Americans in history include Boston, Jamaica, York, and Africa. Special slave censuses were kept in the early 1800s. Start your year off with tips and strategies that can help you in the new year & beyond. This unique-sounding French last name means 'bold' or 'daring'. Women tended to have two names, and slaves often just had one. Robyn, Unraveling the origins of FPOC and slaves in Francophone Louisiana takes some thinking outside the fact, meticulous research ,familiarity with the local culture, history and a bit of serendipity on your side.
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