Did you know? We love the Minnesota Vikings so, unfortunately, we are often depressed.. Hanevold has served in elementary, middle and high schools. In March 2013, he was appointed principal at Sunrise Mountain High School, one of the lowest-performing high schools in the state. In the fall of 2015, Hanevold was promoted to Assistant Chief Student Achievement Officer. Like us on Facebook. Don't miss the big stories. I am eternally optimistic that good things are coming.. Applications for the 2023-2024 School Year On Time- Phase 1: Fall 2022 - January 10, 2023 Late- Phase 2: February 7, 2023- August 18, 2023 Change of School Assignment (COSA) FAQS The Clark County School Board has faced criticism for allowing comments on non-action items only at the end of meetings. PDF C L a R K S T O W N H I G H S C H O O L S O U T H Associate Superintendents of Learning Community Judging from the publics reaction to these increases, Thursday night will be animated and newsworthy. With 16 Associate Superintendents they were not always doing the same things in the same way and a unified message wasnt coming across. Transformation and Leadership / Area Superintendents Clark County School District - Wikipedia What does she do in her spare time? Debbie Brockett, currently the CCSD. If you are new to our schools, it is a pleasure to have you as part of what I know you will find to be a wonderfully diverse and child-centered District. Many left with questions following buyout of South Knox School After his controversial termination, ousted Superintendent Dr. Jesus Jara has created more controversy by awarding his executive staff and region superintendents with base salary pay raises, varying from more than $7,700 to nearly $45,000-an average of 5 percent to 28 percent. So our voices in the rurals are being heard and respected. The third region superintendent position is yet unfilled. Phone Number: (702) 799-2939, Region Superintendent: Dr. Deanna Jaskolski, kowaldj@nv.ccsd.net All content and images used on this site are owned by the Clark County School District (CCSD), and may be used without permission only for journalism, news, and educational purposes. The higher education institutions refused to provide documents that should be available for public inspection under state law. Child points to NRS 391.170 which says teachers and other employees that require a teaching license can't get any public money as compensation, until they actually obtain the license. Student achievement is directly correlated to the effectiveness of the classroom teacher, so it is critically important that all members of the school community support the classroom teacher, Hanevold says. Evelyn Garcia Morales, 39, moved to the Las Vegas Valley as a teenager. In the spring, we profiled Brockett and Hanevold, and in this issue we learn more about Dr. Loria. Pulse of CCSD; 2022-2023 CCSD Teachers of the Year by School; 2022 Retirement Banquet; 2022 CCSD Rookie Teachers of the Year; 2022 Teacher of the Year . Clark County School District (CCSD) Superintendent Dr. Jesus F. Jara today announced the appointment of long-time educator and current CCSD Region 1 Superintendent Dr. Dustin Mancl as the Chief Academic Officer, who will replace current Chief Academic Officer Dr. Karla Loria. All other uses, including, without limitation, for commercial purposes and/or to endorse any product, service, or company, are expressly prohibited without written authorization, which CCSD may refuse to provide for any reason or no reason, in its sole discretion. The Clark County School District (CCSD) serves 300,000 students - and each only has one shot at school. Its exciting to see the community rallying around our strategic plan and important initiatives such as the new funding formula. CCSD announces leadership changes to work on district-wide - KLAS CCSD superintendent introduces slimmed-down leadership team Under the leadership reorganization announced by Superintendent Dr. Jesus F. Jara, three region superintendents will supervise all CCSD schools. Equity, and Inclusion. Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. The District neither endorses nor is responsible for the sponsors, advertisements, statements, positions, opinions or any other content on any external websites. She later earnedher doctorate in K-12 Executive Leadership from the University of Houston. Out of the Pandemic and into the Future. Dr. Karla Loria, a native of Costa Rica, began her career in education 30 years ago. LOCAL NEWS Salaries for region superintendents range from $102,600 to $137,472, according to. The first 10 years of his service in CCSD were in the classroom, teaching math, so he understands firsthand the everyday challenges that teachers face. She is a national trainer for the Haberman Educational Foundation and has recently graduated from theprestigious Association of Latino Administrators and Superintendents Leadership Academy. Newsroom | Get to know your CCSD region superintendent: Grant Hanevold Phone Number: (702) 799-0059, Region Superintendent: Melissa Gutierrez, gutiem2@nv.ccsd.net Charleston could have new superintendent in July Adapted Physical Education Alternative Instructional Arrangement Assistive Technology Services Case Management Child Find Crisis Response Team - Main Office Crisis Response Team - Mental Health Transition Office Deaf & Hard of Hearing Early Childhood Employee Health Services Extended School Year Gifted Education Services Homebound Services . Copyright 2019 Scripps Media, Inc. All rights reserved. A memo distributed by Trustee Danielle Ford to local media outlets illustrates the pay increases. Caesars Entertainment, Inc. hiring ASST Track Superintendent in Welcome to Monterey Peninsula Unified School District! Administration / Superintendent - Charleston County School District February 16, 2023 - Cherokee County School District School Associate Superintendent: Ronnie Guerzon, guerzra@nv.ccsd.net communications@charleston.k12.sc.us, Charleston, SC 29401 | Phone: (843) 937-6300, Ashley River Creative Arts Elementary School, C.E. orlando to fort pierce train; dod personnel who suspect a coworker of possible espionage should; boyd funeral home marion, ohio obituaries; horner's syndrome in cats after ear cleaning; "It's concerning to me because we have to follow rules set forth by the Nevada legislature, Kevin Child, a former CCSD school board trustee, said. Prior to public service, he held corporate finance positions with Boeing and Science Applications International Corporation and served as a commissioned officer in the U.S. Air Force. It went from 16 Associate Superintendents to only 3 Area Superintendents. 5708 S. Mountain Vista Street. I refuse to lower my expectations for Sunrise Mountain High School because of where its located, the socio-economic value of the community, or second language and demographics, Hanevold told the Review-Journal. Subsequently, in the Houston Independent School District, Dr. Loria was a chief of elementary schools (equivalent to a region superintendent). Release Date: March 4, 2023 [eBook #70204] Language: English. ccsd region superintendents School Associate Superintendent: Shawn Halland, hallasl@nv.ccsd.nett School Associate Superintendent: Scarlett Perryman, perrysh@nv.ccsd.net School Associate Superintendent: Dr. Reece Oswalt, oswalre@nv.ccsd.net Hanevold. The Clark County School Board heard an update Thursday from THT Health, which insures about 34,000 people licensed professionals and their family members. "We have to guess what, tear up the contract, because the contract will be null and void. Are you interested in a Teaching or other Licensed Professional position? Under the leadership reorganization announced by Superintendent Dr. Jesus F. Jara, three region superintendents will supervise all CCSD schools. Grant Hanevold is married to Jennifer Hanevold, who teaches at Lyon Middle School in Overton. The list of improvements includes improving proficiency in reading for students in third grade and math for sixth through eighth grades. SW Washington School District's Updated Gender Policy Sparks Complaint LAS VEGAS (KLAS) Clark County School District Superintendent Dr. Jesus Jara announced two new leaders within the district who will work to ensure student achievement and operational efficiency. 702-799-CCSD. Phone: (702) 855-9765, Clark County School District Its raising concerns about the process in how she was hired. You can't work without a license, he said. A top administrator in the Clark County School District is working without a Nevada teaching license, and shes been on the job since March. Superintendent Dr. Jesus F. Jara | Clark County School District Dr. Loria is married and has two daughters, Melania and Karina. Trust us, it's worth a minute of your time to read this and learn what he's up to now. Two years later, he became the School Associate Superintendent of Performance Zone 2, and now he is a region superintendent under Superintendent Dr. Jesus F. Jaras reorganization plan. 6-10. President Linda Cavazos has been unavailable for comment, but upon hearing the news, tweeted: The Board of Trustees was unexpectedly notified at 10:52am today, via email, regarding the raises announced today for the Superintendents Executive Cabinet members. Superintendent Leadership Team Units/Divisions Business and Finance Unit Accounts Payable Budget Employee Benefits General Accounting Grants Fiscal Services Resource Management Environmental Services Risk Management Strategic Budget Resources Treasury Chief of Staff Diversity and Affirmative Action and Title IX Internal Audit Communications Student Learning Goal (SLG) Resources The District will implement SLGs during the 2022-2023 school year as an essential instructional process to impact student achievement. March 1, 2023 By Jennifer Rachel Baumer. Herring brings to the table [] Ousted CCSD Superintendent Jara Hikes District Executive Salaries By More Than $400,000, CCSD Board of Trustees meeting Oct. 28, 2021. The District neither endorses nor is responsible for the sponsors, advertisements, statements, positions, opinions or any other content on any external websites. Loria comes highly recommended to this critical role. So we can just get out of those administrators way and let them do their jobs.. Grant Hanevolds nearly 30-year career in public education has been distinguished and spanned the spectrum. I am committed to continuing serving communities and students to provide high-quality education with equitable access to all children, Dr. Loria says. She has served children and communities as a teacher assistant, teacher, assistant principal, principal, area superintendent, chief of elementary schools and region superintendent. The power line would run from north of Las Vegas to the outskirts of Reno. 1 of 5 individuals selected across the United States to partake in a global research and co-creation program led by Google US Insights and . He has been with the district for more than 30 years and most recently served as area director for schools in north central Calgary and Airdrie. Kennedy has served as CCSDs Interim Superintendent since January 2022. Rainfall totals of 2 to 3 inches are currently forecast for the region. The schools that are doing well and getting results will be left to do what they have been doing. Hanevold the youngest of 11 children, seven of whom would become educators was raised in a small farming community in North Dakota. We need to pay our employees a competitive wage and have the resources to put more adults on campuses. Here's a summary: A native of Winnsboro, South Carolina, Kennedy comes from a family of educators who emphasized the value of education and believed in the opportunities it provides. He graduated from the University of North Dakota in 1990, with a bachelors degree in Middle School Math Education and Elementary Education, before moving to Las Vegas to teach in the Clark County School District. Kennedy will serve as the Superintendent until the Board of Trustees selects a replacement following a national search. The final region superintendent position will be filled once we identify the candidate who will be able to lead our schools to meet the goals of the strategic plan, Jara said last week. In his memo, Jara states After staff undertook a review of local and national compensation levels for comparable positions, and to compete nationally for talent, and retain our existing talent at a time of instability, I will be adjusting the following salaries.. This Superintendent really believes that he is the Superintendent for all students in Clark County, Hanevold said. Dr. Loria earned her bachelors degree in Early Childhood-Primary Grades and her masters degree in School Administration in Costa Rica. Title: Confederate wizards of the saddle. Get to know your CCSD region superintendent: Grant Hanevold's nearly three-decade career has spanned the spectrum of public education Under the leadership reorganization announced by Superintendent Dr. Jesus F. Jara, three region superintendents will supervise all CCSD schools. The Clark County Board of School Trustees is a dedicated group of community leaders who are elected to overlapping four-year terms and represent a specific geographic region of Clark County. Dr. Jesus Jara is among the first to admit the areas that need improvement. Our people drive our success. Student Services Division | Region 1 - Clark County School District Jason Sluder has worked at Littlejohn Grain Inc. for the . Nominate an educator for the 2022-2023 New Educator of the Year Awards, National School Breakfast Week, Mar. NFL's Kamara, Lammons plead not guilty in Vegas assault case Your email address will not be published. The Regional Superintendent of Operations ensures excellent school operations through direct management of a "portfolio . UPDATE DEC. 23: A spokesperson for the Clark County School District said Karla Loria received her Nevada teaching license. Directory | Clark County School District Come July 1, Charleston County School District could have a new superintendent if the search process continues to move along.. A team of four school board members tasked with selecting firms to . She has written for The Hill, The Washington Times, The Daily Wire, American Thinker, Canada Free Press and The Daily Caller and has appeared frequently on, among others, Headline News CNN, NewsMax TV and One America News Network. 5100 W Sahara Ave. One of our biggest priorities moving forward is equity - ensuring equity and access for our historically underserved and under-resourced students. He was pressured to resign after three years that saw clashes with the school board. Although each trustee represents a different region, they are dedicated to ensuring the success of every student in the district through clear, concise . Your email address will not be published. CCSD to separate into three regions, saving $1.5 million This includes ensuring a safe working and learning environment. {{current_weather.dt | momentjs( atts.date )}}. Questions about non-discrimination policies should be sent to Charleston County School District, 75 Calhoun Street. Quotable The profiles of fellow region superintendents Debbie Brockett and Grant Hanevold can be read by clicking on their respective names. In an interview with the Las Vegas Review-Journal a few months later, as he prepared for his first full year on the job, Hanevold made it clear he wasnt going to entertain excuses for the high schools performance. When she isn't editing, writing, or talking, you can find her hiking and relaxing in The Sierras. The announcement was made on Wednesday, Jan. 16 by CCSD Superintendent Dr. Jesus Jara. Confederate Wizards of the Saddle | Project Gutenberg Gaining deeper understandings and looking at our mascot from different points of view, will help us continue to see our history with pride, while we move forward with a new mascot that will serve our school and community well, hopefully for generations to come. She also enjoys mountain biking, running and traveling all this while learning to play the cello. CCSD Indian Logo | Candor Central School District In this newsletter and coming issues, we will profile the new region superintendents, beginning with Grant Hanevold. The second year saw continued gains, with a 6 percentage point increase. CCSD superintendent's 2023 wish list includes greater investment in Dr. Loria has received several certifications, including Universal Design for Learning from Harvard University; ESL from North Carolina State University; Leadership from the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill; Organizational Development, Change Management and Coaching Skills and Strategic Marketing for Schools from Rice University in Texas, where she was also a field advisor for masters students for several years. In Costa Rica, she served 10 years as a teacher and later was a professor at the Universidad Latina de Costa Rica. Kennedy holds a South Carolina Superintendent certificate, a Bachelor of Science in Accounting from Newberry College, and a Master of Arts in Organizational Systems Renewal from Seattle University; he also holds a certified public accountant certificate. Turnover frequent as 5 superintendents have led CCSD over past 20 years CCSD works closely with the Nevada Department of Education and applicants to provide additional information to comply with licensure requirements.". Menu ceramic cutting tools advantages and disadvantages. She is a national trainer for the Haberman Educational Foundation and has recently graduated from theprestigious Association of Latino Administrators and Superintendents Leadership Academy. The school district is governed by a seven-member board of trustees elected from sections of the county. In announcing her appointment as a CCSD region superintendent in February, Superintendent Dr. Jesus F. Jara noted that she has dedicated her time in urban education to helping increase student achievement in Texas, Colorado, California and North Carolina. Equity, and Inclusion. Its raising concerns about the process in how she was hired. Chief's Vlog - Calgary Catholic School District CCSD Superintendent Dr. Jesus Jara announced the changes on Monday, a week ahead of the start of classes. News 10 Bureau Chief Nathan Springfield tried to ask board members after the meeting what prompted the buyout of the superintendent's contract, but all declined to comment. That money that shouldnt have been paid to that person, per the NRS code, whos money does it come out of the pocket? Regional Superintendents of Operations are responsible for ensuring that their schools operate at the highest level, with systems in place that allow teachers and Principals to focus on instruction and academic achievement. In the spring, we profiled Brockett and Hanevold, and in this issue we learn more about Dr. Loria. I am committed to continuing serving communities and students to provide high-quality education with equitable access to all children, Dr. Loria says. We must then give them the tools -- curriculum, professional development, and reliable assessments -- to succeed in the classroom. (Photo: Megan Barth for The Nevada Globe). Give Light and the People Will Find Their Own Way, How to get 13 Action News on your Alexa devices. Dr. Loria is married and has two daughters, Melania and Karina. In 2002, Hanevold became assistant principal of Harney Middle School and, just one year later, was promoted to principal. She was hired to be part of a cultural exchange program in North Carolina, where she served for nine years as a teacher, assistant principal and principal. Im humbled and honored to work in this capacity, and I am committed to providing the best educational environment for all staff, students, and parents, he says. The first 10 years of his service in CCSD were in the classroom, teaching math, so he understands firsthand the everyday challenges that teachers face. Williams Middle School (North Campus), C.E. Teaching and Learning | Nevada Educator Performance Framework Newsroom | About - Clark County School District Superintendent's Office Organization Chart DACEE FOIA Strategic Plan A message from Dr. Laurie Heinz On behalf of the Board of Education, I welcome you to the 2022-23 school year. Karla Loria, a native of Costa Rica, currently serves as the human capital officer and student support officer at the Harrison School District Two in Colorado, Clark County School District Superintendent Jesus Jara announced Friday. The new appointments are: REGION 1: Dr. James Kuzma, current principal of Rancho High School REGION 1: Scarlett Perryman, current principal of Frank F. Garside Junior High School In his new position, Hanevold will continue to supervise rural schools in Moapa and Virgin Valleys. The Caledonia Cooperative School Board recently finalized their budget request that will go to voters seeking a $1.2 million increase in expenditures. All Rights Reserved. The District makes no representations or warranties regarding the content of such links and assumes no legal liability for damages arising from the use thereof. Local schools will continue to have an strong and understanding advocate in the central administration halls of the Clark County School District (CCSD). All content and images used on this site are owned by the Clark County School District (CCSD), and may be used without permission only for journalism, news, and educational purposes. Copyright 2019 Las Vegas Review-Journal, Inc. | Privacy Policy | Terms of Service, By Amelia Pak-Harvey Las Vegas Review-Journal, Clark County School District administration building located at 5100 West Sahara Ave. in Las Vegas (Las Vegas Review-Journal), Wahlbergs $14.5M bungalow leads 2022 new home luxury, Convicted Las Vegas killer overdosed on meth, coroner rules, 3 women linked to robbery before police shooting, You can tell they love football: Raiders make big impression on young QB, Democratic lawmakers: School districts must outline how theyd use $2B, CCSD to provide no-cost primary care to 11K employees, Protesters criticize CCSD police in wake of Durango High altercation, CCSD will spend nearly $300M converting sports fields to turf, Its in the cards: CCSD hoping employees will recruit teachers, Norovirus outbreak grows to 71 at Las Vegas school. Step Advancement | Current Employees | Clark County School District The debate over teachers' ability to ask students their preferred pronouns in the La Center School District has taken a new turn, with the district updating its "gender inclusive schools" policy . Five CCSD principals named region associate superintendents Ousted CCSD Superintendent Jara Hikes District Executive Salaries By He is firm that rurals cant be forgotten any more than the unique needs of urban Las Vegas schools can. In his tour of talking to people throughout the district, he heard that there was a lot of inconsistency throughout the district, Hanevold said of Jara. Current members of the Board of School Trustees are: [7] Special Education and Pupil Personnel Services, Clarkstown Childcare and Early Learning Program.
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